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Sunday, December 19, 2010


Vin here.I decided that you needed to hear from me on this 9 month milestone!
Can you believe that I am already so old?
Neither can I...Oh em gee!
Let me tell you a few things that you might not know about me...

My parents are finding out that my personality is a lot like my Uncle Kyle (hi, Kyle).

I am very adventurous.

My adventures just recently were...
Falling down the stairs...a few times.
I fell off the bed.
I decided to see if I could get out of my car seat when my Mommy wasn't looking, I am here to report...I was successful, and got a fat lip to prove it.

I hate that my Mommy makes me sit when I am in the bath tub, I would much rather stand.

Speaking of standing, I love to stand in my crib too. I stand and wait patiently for whoever will come to rescue me. I have already mastered the art of bugging my sister. I have heard that is what a little brother is suppose to do. I love taking her Littlest Pet Shop animals, and I stick them in my mouth as fast as possible...then she shrieeeeks! Oh, and because she shrieeeks, I've learned that too...and I am really good at it!

I have conquered 7 teeth, and not so gracefully. Give me a break, it hurts!

I am not a Momma's boy.
I am not a Daddy's boy either.
I like them both...a. lot.
Who can blame me, I got lucky with those two!
Okay, and my sister too. She has got mad peek-a-boo skillz!

Did I forget to mention...I love this thing people call a tongue. So fun.
Well, it's been fun to talk about myself, but all this bloggin' has warn me out...gotta go take a nap.
Yours Truly,
PS Of course, everyone loves my killer thighs, they are rather delicious...I am working on getting them even bigger and better ladies! *wink, wink*


Unknown said...

he is so handsome. I can't believe he has 7 teeth!!! love this post.

Greg and Heather said...

so funny!

Brenda said...

You are so cute Vin(Von). I'm happy you made it through with all those teeth, in just nine months!! Paige understands, although her 8 teeth didn't come as quickly as yours.
Have a Marry 1st Christmas Vin and tell the rest of your family the same.:)

jayni & ben said...

haha. so freaking cute. I loved this. I need to see him and his thighs!! And i need a good laugh and who would be better at making me laugh than you?

Emily said...

Vin, you are well on your way to conquering the world. Go get 'em!

Vanessa said...

Hee Hee :)

Unknown said...

Love your post! super cute..he is growing up too fast!

dust and kam said...

His teeth kill me.

Nisha said...

How old is this little guy? He sounds exactly like my MR. Adventurous, only maybe a couple months younger.