Can you believe that I am already so old?
Neither can I...Oh em gee!
Let me tell you a few things that you might not know about me...
My parents are finding out that my personality is a lot like my Uncle Kyle (hi, Kyle).
I am very adventurous.
My adventures just recently were...
Falling down the stairs...a few times.
I fell off the bed.
I decided to see if I could get out of my car seat when my Mommy wasn't looking, I am here to report...I was successful, and got a fat lip to prove it.
I hate that my Mommy makes me sit when I am in the bath tub, I would much rather stand.
Speaking of standing, I love to stand in my crib too. I stand and wait patiently for whoever will come to rescue me.
I have already mastered the art of bugging my sister. I have heard that is what a little brother is suppose to do. I love taking her Littlest Pet Shop animals, and I stick them in my mouth as fast as possible...then she shrieeeeks! Oh, and because she shrieeeks, I've learned that too...and I am really good at it!
Speaking of standing, I love to stand in my crib too. I stand and wait patiently for whoever will come to rescue me.
I have conquered 7 teeth, and not so gracefully. Give me a break, it hurts!
I am not a Momma's boy.
I am not a Daddy's boy either.
I like them both...a. lot.
Who can blame me, I got lucky with those two!
Okay, and my sister too. She has got mad peek-a-boo skillz!
Did I forget to mention...I love this thing people call a tongue. So fun.
Well, it's been fun to talk about myself, but all this bloggin' has warn me out...gotta go take a nap.
Yours Truly,
PS Of course, everyone loves my killer thighs, they are rather delicious...I am working on getting them even bigger and better ladies! *wink, wink*
he is so handsome. I can't believe he has 7 teeth!!! love this post.
so funny!
You are so cute Vin(Von). I'm happy you made it through with all those teeth, in just nine months!! Paige understands, although her 8 teeth didn't come as quickly as yours.
Have a Marry 1st Christmas Vin and tell the rest of your family the same.:)
haha. so freaking cute. I loved this. I need to see him and his thighs!! And i need a good laugh and who would be better at making me laugh than you?
Vin, you are well on your way to conquering the world. Go get 'em!
Hee Hee :)
Love your post! super cute..he is growing up too fast!
His teeth kill me.
How old is this little guy? He sounds exactly like my MR. Adventurous, only maybe a couple months younger.
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