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Monday, December 20, 2010

Yellow Belt - Tae Kwon Do

I remember the day Van made "splits club". The instructor called her to the front of class, spread two chairs apart, lifted her up...and made her do the splits suspended across those two chairs. I beamed with pride, and maybe shed a tear or two. It is always an amazing feeling watching your child accomplish something...especially something you could have never done at her age, or ever!Since then Van has graduated from Little Dragons, switched Dojo's, and has been practicing her little heart out to fit in with the BIG kids.

She had her first belt testing this past week, and to be honest she was really nervous. Paul and I were scared she wasn't going to pass.

Anyone that knows our Van, I mean really knows her, knows her competitive nature (thank you, Paul).

I sent a text to Paul half way through testing, and when I didn't get a response I geared up for the devastating call I would receive from Van.
To my absolute shock Paul called to tell me not only had Van passed, but she had broken a record! What the what! Our little sassy pants decided to prove herself to! She sat in the leg lift position for 6 minutes straight! (side note: Paul and I tried to do this the next day, I think we could only last 3 seconds!) She had 50 plus people chanting her name, and cheering her on. She beat the other kid by 2 and half minutes!! Seriously, so proud of her!!!

Yes, I am bummed I missed it, but man oh man it makes me far more happy than anything that she was able to do it!

I have always said my Van is everything I always wanted to be. Blonde, blue eyed, tall, athletic, skinny, and killer looks to go along with her fun personality - add her determination to that list! =) I love you, Savannah! I am so very proud of you, and that yellow belt you earned and proved to everyone you deserve!


Unknown said...

so awesome! Congrats Savannah!

Sorry you had to miss it :( I feel for you..its so hard to miss out on these important events. Hope Paul brings a video camera with him to all these great events!

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Angie said...

Awesome!! Congratulations Savannah!!

Kristina P. said...

Yay for Van! She looks so proud.

kendahl a. said...

Congrats Van! And proud parents! :) That's seriously awesome, way to go!

Michelle said...

congrats Van - pretty sure you were kicking your mom that hard when you were in her tummy.

Emily said...

Congratulations, Van! That is AWESOME!!!

dust and kam said...

Dear Van,

You are amazing. I could eat you. Let's play.

Love, Kamie

p.s. give vin a hug for me.

Brenda said...


Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

She's a sweet girl with a sweet Mama!