I have thought a lot about Deanna lately...not just today.
my sisters. oh, and yes they were both pregnant without me. =)
I was 16 when Jeff and Deanna got married. I was hard on Deanna, I am sure that I wasn't very nice to her most times...but Deanna has always treated me like a sister.
I am always in amazement at how Deanna does it all. Besides having to put up with my seriously crazy brother (you have no idea, really), she has these 5 beautiful girls that I call my nieces.
Deanna is always willing to have everyone come to her house for dinner, she always has gifts for Van and Vin, and she is always offering support and help.

When they all came for Christmas vacation, instead of eating and going...they decided to take Van with them for the day. Who does that when you already have 5 kids to take care of, and you are on vacation? Deanna!
I don't think that I have ever expressed to Deanna just how much I love her, and admire her. I think that she is an amazing older sister. I don't think that my family could have gotten a better addition to our family.
Thank you Deanna for being such a great example to me.
We love you, and we hope that you are having a seriously awesome birthday!
-Sell Family-
Thanks Evonne!! You are too sweet!! I am glad I get to be apart of your family and thankful we are friends and sisters!! Love ya!!
Happy Birthday chica!
It's wonderful to have great family members!
She does ROCK!!! :-)
Happy Birthday to Deanna! Her kids are adorable, she sounds like an awesome sister-in-law to have.
Those girls are adorable. That baby is the cutest thing since...I don't know what.
So sweet! She is like wonder woman! 5 kids!
That baby (well all the girls) are gorgeous! Happy Birthday Deanna.
Wow! what a beautiful woman and five beautiful daughters....does you Mom have anything to do with them or does she consider her flawed also. How sad to have such beautiful grandchildren and have nothing to do with them...
I'm confused.
Maybe you could e-mail me so we can discuss.
My Mom has everything to do with Jeff and Deanna's girl. aka #1 Grandma! On the other hand she has NEVER made any attempts to see my precious little girl. And Evonne can share her baggage if she wants to! :-)
beautiful tribute. It's great to give thanks and let the world know you're grateful for the wonderful people in your life.
Good job Evonne.
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