Casual Blogger Conference aka CBC
If you have been around blog land in the last few months you may have heard the buzz about the Casual Blogger Conference being held in Sandy, Utah. I am always so jealous when people get to attend these awesome blogging conferences like BlogHer being held in New York City this year, or Mom 2.0 that was held just this past month. I really am a) just too chicken to travel by myself and b) I have never been away from Paul and Van for any significant amount of time. Soooo you can imagine how excited I am that this one is being held within minutes from my long distance travel required, no over night stays without my family, and the same goodness will be at this blogging conference as all the others I have dreamed of going to. Thrilling, right?Now I just need to come up with a poss-E to come with me so I don't feel like I loser. So, who is with me??Click on this cute lil' button to find out about all the details, and to buy your ticket to be by my side. -k-?!
I don't have enough money, dangit!
I might be nice enough to let you touch my sweater or something, while I'm all big and fancy at the conference.
I know, I know, I'm such a giver.
I noticed Kristina P. says she'll let you touch her sweater but not her Snuggie...hmmm...I'd question her friendship if I were you, Evonne.
I'll be there! We can be buddies (as long as I get to hold baby Vin if he comes too!).
Aw man!! I want to go SO bad, but no money, honey!!!
Oh, I would so go even though I live in Texas. They're going to have to give this to me for free though because 5oo buckaroos for either gas or a plane ticket is really going to cramp my style.
Of course Vin will be with me, and of course you can and should hold him! =)
As far as Kristina and our friendship...I wonder how I even got lucky enough to call her such a thing like "friend"...she is a pretty big deal!! =)
ah, if only I were that cool...
I'll be there. Maybe I'll finally get to talk to you in real life at CBC.
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