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Monday, June 28, 2010


who plays this game and likes it?

van that's who.

way cheaper than going somewhere to play mini golf,

and we can rearrange our course as many times as we want.

just one of the few things we started doing while van has been away from tv.


Kristina P. said...

We were just talking about this. We used to play this game all the time when I was a kid, at my grandparents. When we were down there 6 weeks ago, we were looking for it and couldn't find it. Time to buy a new set!

kendahl a. said...

Dude, I LOVE croquet! Send Van down and we'll play 'til she is worn out, then I'll send her home. Deal? :)

Quinn said...

Awww! Cute Van! Thanks for the reminder to get croquet out!

Rachel Sue said...

we need to get us a set. (How's that for good english?)

I have lovely memories of playing croquet in my grandparents backyard on the 4th of july while we impatiently waited for the fireworks to start. I wonder what happened to that set. . .

Steph said...

Why don't I have a croquet set? I am failing as a human.