I was feeling productive while they were away. I took the vacuum apart for cleaning, I did some laundry, and Vin happily sat in his bouncy seat.
I checked my cell phone to get this text from Paul...
"Wish you were here.
I've never been prouder of Savannah."
This is my reality.
When I go back to work I miss things, but at least Paul is there to see what I miss...and tells me about it. I love him for sharing what I don't always get to be around to see..jpg)
Man, that is sucky. But I'm sure she knows you were there in spirit.
Aww man I hate when I miss things. Your kids are "munchy" as Aspen would say. (Means they're cute!!).
As for working - just do your best to not feel guilty. Those kids know they are absolutely loved and adored and they know that you'd rather be home with them. However, they're going to admire growing up with such a hard working mom that does so much for them!
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