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Monday, June 14, 2010

what should I do?

Since I went back to work I decided I needed to start packing a lunch, and also packing my snacks. I love snacks...almost more than a meal. I did awesome last week, and I am hoping I can keep it up. I tried getting things that not only were easy for me to pack, but stuff that Van would be able to get/make if Paul ended up being busy with Vin.

Of course I am trying to be a little healthier. I found out about these fantastic Nature Valley Chewy Trail Mix Bars, you would not believe how quickly Van and I downed a HUGE box from Sam's Club. We ended up eating them for breakfast even.

I bought Go Gurt. I don't really love yogurt, unless it is frozen. ;) So for me a Go Gurt is the perfect size, and of course Van will eat anything that has her favorite character on it. I still can't bring myself to freezing Go Gurt's, but I heard it tastes pretty good.

I decided to add variety to my sandwiches by making them with rolls, and instead of the same ol' animal crackers we bought the chocolate animal crackers...which are so addicting. Bagels with cream cheese, and lots of Bird's Eye steamers are going to be involved this next week.

So the question is...what easy ideas for my sack lunch do you have?

*I was given free Go Gurt, A box of Nature Valley Chewy Trail Mix Bars, and a gift card to Sam's Club for this post...and it was offered by General Mills and Yoplait through My Blog Spark.


Aubrey said...

I like to take string cheeses with me, or cut a few slices of cheese and pack a few crackers.

Another easy thing (which is really good for you and makes you feel full) is a handful or so of sunflower seeds.

Kristina P. said...

I second the nuts option. I also love the pudding mousse things. They are delicious and super low in calories.

kendahl a. said...

Ohh, I'm such a snacker! You'll never find me without snacks in my purse, ever. Some of my favorites are string cheese and wheat thins, raw almonds and Craisins, or fruit snacks.

Steph said...

Baby carrots... I could eat them by the bucket. Also Triscuits.

vanessa said...

I am going to refrain from saying anything about proud.

OK snack ideas...Fruit, Veggies cut up in bags. Whole Grain crackers with cheese slices. Trail Mix with seeds and nuts and fried fruit. Oh! I have a recipe to make your own breakfast bars.

I feel another iron chef coming on.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

I love a little snack baggie of almonds, some dried fruit and CHOCOLATE. :) My lunches are bizarre!

Emily said...

Leave it to Vanessa to be all healthy! Actually, we're hooked on these Veggie Chips from Costco--salty and yummy and healthy! I second (or third) the nuts ideas with almonds being super healthy. We used to do the trail mix thing too and just portion it out ahead of time. Jell-O pudding cups are fun too. And of course I always need some chocolate so I like to buy the 100-calorie snack packs of grasshopper cookies!

Unknown said...

I usually cut up a whole watermelon put in separate bowls, makes my lunch for 4 days and hey kids love watermelon. I love love love it. Sometimes I mix it with grapes and strawberry's, makes a yummy snackerooo

Camille said...

I'm with you on snacks! If I don't pack snacks, I'm usually heading to Cold Stone for a Love It chocolate and pb "snack". Not a good idea. Lately, I've been taking True Delights rice snacks (very high in flavor amazingly), cheese sticks, and edamame. Weird, I know, but surprisingly tasty.

the nayz said...

I am loving the Laughing Cow cheese spreads. They come in little individual serving wedges. They are sooooo good with Sundried Tomato and Basil Weat Thins. It's also good with vegetable thins and ritz crackers. I also like string cheese, edamame, and pistachios.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I bring apples and an apple cutter, Snyder's pretzels, and let's be honest, a little bag of candy :)

Michelle said...

as someone else said, the Laughing Cow cheese spreads are great. I keep a bag of goldfish in my drawer and some mints. I also flavor my water so instead of going for a snack each time, I got for my water. I love the Peach Mango Crystal Light (and it has fiber).
For more food snacks: celery, carrots, snow peas, oh and definitely buy some poppycock and tell Landon I said he needs some of it - make sure to tell him what it is.

Michelle said...

as someone else said, the Laughing Cow cheese spreads are great. I keep a bag of goldfish in my drawer and some mints. I also flavor my water so instead of going for a snack each time, I got for my water. I love the Peach Mango Crystal Light (and it has fiber).
For more food snacks: celery, carrots, snow peas, oh and definitely buy some poppycock and tell Landon I said he needs some of it - make sure to tell him what it is.

Tiffany said...

Almonds and string cheese. I also LOVE Triscuits and Wheat Thins, oh and 100 calorie packs of something chocolatey.

Amber! said...

I second the raw almonds! A handful of those puppies are super wonderful.

I am also loving my protein shakes. They fill me up and help me pack on the muscle as well!

I highly suggest Greek yogurt. I hate yogurt as well (we can thank Grayson's pregnancy for that) but Greek yogurt is more firm and more manageable for my tummy. I love the Greek Gods honey yogurt and also their pomegranete (sp).

Kashi bars and Luna bars are super good, too!

Krystal said...

I take PB&J or tuna fish sandwiches for lunch every day, and keep a variety of 100 calorie snacks on hand for whatever I'm in the mood for (cookies, crackers, etc.) also fruit snacks and fruit cups (love cinnamon apple sauce, mandarin oranges, peaches, and pears)... I also take fresh fruit depending on what's in season (love strawberries and yogurt and grapes)