**I was given all the bikes for free from Schwinn Bicycles through My Blog Spark for participating.
Friday, July 30, 2010
**I was given all the bikes for free from Schwinn Bicycles through My Blog Spark for participating.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
my love-hate relationship with Kneaders
I have a thing about customer service...you don't have to be phenomenal, but you have to at least try. Maybe it's because I work in customer service, and realize that it can make or break having a customer for life.
A couple of months ago I had a bad experience. Paul suggested I write a post then, I decided I would overlook the situation.
I really like going to Kneaders, and it helps that I live super close to one...and then today happened...
Vin hates his car seat. Poor thing can scream for a whole car ride. It makes using a drive thru a bit difficult. We ate at In N Out, and I passed on the shake so that I could go over to Kneaders for my treat instead. Big mistake, huge (tell me what movie that is off of!). Because Vin is screaming, Paul says just run in, and I will drive around. Of course before I had even gotten out of the car I knew what we wanted. I waited FOREVER to order...because of two indecisive ladies. Really annoying. Maybe cashier #1 should have said something to these two ladies like "while you guys decide, I am going to take the next person who is ready." Instead I wait, and wait, and wait. Cashier #2 finally comes to help out, and takes my order. Phew, I am finally going to get someone to take my $4 and something cent order. I stand not 5 feet away from where she took my order...and wait, and wait, and wait...probably 4 orders are up before Paul enters the scene. He is making sure that I am still alive. At this point it has now taken me 15 minutes to order this...

15 minutes. Really. Paul has to make A HUGE stink for them to even "prepare" my order...which took them all but 5 seconds to drop into this plastic container. No apology, no free dessert, and I was soooo pissed off...I didn't even want it anymore. Boo!
The moral of this story: Don't expect good customer service if you go to Kneaders. If you are in a hurry, just get the shake from In N Out...and skip Kneaders all together.
guest post: Callee aka BESTEST Mary Kay Chica around!
My name is Callee Didericksen and I am so excited that Evonne has been so nice to help me out with my new business. She was the very first person that I did a facial on, and I am thrilled that she is letting me do such a fun giveaway on her blog. Just to give you a little background on me. I am a mom of 3 crazy boys and was a busy full time employee working from home doing medical data entry. I never left my house and thought I was going to go crazy. One day I decided to make a scary change and quit my job and do something that I have always wanted to do. Be self employed!!! I love Mary Kay products and love the values that they encourage and the opportunities that they allow me to achieve. So here I am.
So here is the deal…. My business is based on referrals and I love it because I get to meet new people and hang out with the people that I love and have FUN while I am working! I want to give one lucky person $100.00 in FREE Mary Kay products, all you have to do is be willing to host a FUN party, I prefer to keep my parties small so please don’t feel like you need to invite everyone you know. A party is considered 2 to 6 people. Once you host your party, your name will be entered in the drawing for the $100.00 gift. I promise to not be a Mary Kay stalker and I will not put any pressure on you to buy anything, I just need some fresh new faces to practice on and share my awesome business opportunity with. Leave a comment on Evonne’s blog and send her your info and she will pass it on to me.
Thank you so much and hopefully I will get to meet you and take care of all your beauty needs.
{hey, it's just me...Von. I think Callee is a gem, and I am hoping that some of my friends in the blog-o-sphere will help a sista out. Seriously $100 would be nice too!}
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
4 month stats.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
attitude is everything.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
super cool mom moment.
She was super pumped that we took it directly out of the box, and set it up in the backyard to play.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
funny story #3
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
my dream became reality.
Monday, July 19, 2010
mary kay facial and fun.
I am in the middle of my Mary Kay challenge. I am the girl that doesn't get zits, never washes my make up off, and barely puts any on anyway.
Callee gave me the Time Wise solution...it cleanses, exfoliates, freshens, and tones...I wash my face morning and night with this cleanser, and I put this lotion on after. I love the way it makes my face feel, so much so, I don't even like to put make up on after. After a couple of days I had someone come up to me to tell me my face was glowing (hoping they didn't mean I had the pregnant glow again!).
What is your favorite Mary Kay product for a newbie like me?
Wanna order or have a party, I think you need to drop Callee a line...because honestly she is off the hook. Oh, and she is doing a little promo/giveaway on my blog...just you wait for it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
my sister and her tat.

me: Would you remove it?
sista: NOOO!!
sista: It's always good to "Choose The Right".
me: Do you get asked a lot about what it means?
Want to know what it looks like? Just like the ring. If I remember correctly my sista and her friend took a ring in, and that is what the tattoo artist made it look like...the famous green and all. Oh, and her friend has a matching one...cause that is cool to do too! ;)

"Hey anonymous commenter! You are making the situation that much better!"
"Why is it that everyone can say what they want on your blog Evonne, but you can't!?
Man, I am glad that I am friends with my sister. I am glad that she laughed with me about my gratitude post...and all the comments about her CTR tat. =)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
for this I am grateful.

He taught me that if I don't like a situation, I can get out.

Gratitude for my only sista, Emilie...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
If you feel like commenting.
This family.
This family.
I just really liked this post.
hi, my name is mature.
I haven't really been into blogging lately...if you hadn't already noticed. I find that when I have spare moments I like to take a nap, rock my babes, catch grasshoppers in the backyard, or a million other things I could name.
I started blogging, because I truly enjoyed it. I didn't care how many comments I got, I didn't even care if only my Mom was reading it (she still looks at my blog, 11 times and counting just today!). After a year, I thought it would be fun to do giveaways, reviews, etc...and it was for awhile. It seems like I have come full circle...I'm back to just blogging for me, because I truly enjoy it. Not that I don't enjoy getting nice comments from my friends and family, I do, but I don't like when people try to hurt me. I have debated all day...Private? No comments allowed? Or just take away my "Anonymous" comment problem? I am leaning towards no comments allowed, and if someone has a comment, they can always e-mail me.
I started off this week having lots planned for posting, and now I am feeling like walking away...and not looking back.
Monday, July 12, 2010
This past week or so I have thought a lot about making memories. Maybe it was because my MIL came to visit, maybe because my Grandpa isn't doing so well, maybe it was because my sista came to visit...whatever it was that spurred these ideas...I have had this desire to make lasting memories.
I have always been the one with the camera, always wanting that perfect shot...the perfect picture of whatever it is that we are doing. I have put down the camera, I have just enjoyed making the memory...not documenting it.
I have always wondered when I pass from this life, what will people remember me by. Will I be known for being too loud, for never being able to quit my addiction to Coke, or will it be for something I didn't even know I had done to make an impact on that person's life.
I look back on my childhood, and I wonder if my siblings and parents realized what kind of memories they were making with me. Did they do things knowing that I would remember them forever? Like playing school with my sister, or farm with my brother, Kyle.
Van got the memory of her Daddy...the kind that remembers everything. Van can tell you things that she has done, with who she has done them with, and how old she was when she did them...no problem. Maybe it is because of this that I have a burning desire to make the best possible memories for her.
This weekend I ran through the sprinklers with Van, in my clothes. I let Van push Vin around in the stroller for two hours straight...and didn't critique her style or what she was doing once. I made Vin laugh uncontrollably by acting like a complete idiot. And guess what...I didn't take one picture of any of it.
Life is about the memories you make, not the photos you take.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
it's still hard.
Friday, July 2, 2010
a promise.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
a hill.