Van made it to the end of her no tv challenge. Paul made good on his promise, like he always does. When we tossed around the ideas of what kind of toy she wanted during this past week she always came back to this one Buzz Lightyear. I went to Toys R Us online, and the most expensive one I found was $50. So in Paul's mind this is what we had kind of planned on spending. Of course when they went to Toys R Us...the one she really wanted was $85...yes, I typed that right. Paul tried to sway her into cheaper toys, but he could tell that she would come home disappointed. After all, he did tell her she could pick any toy she wanted.
Paul called me on the way home to break the news of just how much we ended up forking over for "the deal". I was a little shocked to say the least. Paul handed the phone to Van, and she was instantly in tears. After asking her why she was crying she said "because Daddy had to spend all of this money on my toy, and I don't deserve it!" Aaaah, poor thing. I quickly explained that she did deserve it, she worked hard for that, and Daddy wasn't mad at her nor did he spend all of his money on it.
I am so proud of Van for making it a week without tv. It's a big deal. She is in love with her new toy, and man is it really cool...and in Paul's words "It better be a cool toy for $85!!"
Paul learned his lesson by never saying she could pick any toy she wants, and Van learned that she can survive without her one true
$85? What did they make that toy with? Sounds like it should be made of gold. And it should also be able to fly.
I'm proud of Van though, go Van!
haha. so funny!! makes me laugh. she is a cutie.
ahh oh I would have croaked too at $85 bucks but she earned it. And I want to see a video on how cool that toy really is!
You guys are awesome.
I agree with Paul... It better be cool at that price. Way to go Van. Hope you have TONS of fun!
Wow. That does look like a pretty freaking awesome toy though. I kinda want one.
yes, I agree - I want to see a video of this guy in action. Congrats to Van and to you guys for raising such a good girl
good for her! I'm considering a no tv week for my kids next week. I'm not sure if I would survive it, though.
I'm with everyone else- I want to know if Buzz is as cool as he looks :)
Way to go, Van!!! And - wow! - that is one impressive Buzz Lightyear!!!
That is awesome. If I had to do the same challenge the reward would have to be big, like a trip to Hawaii and surf lessons from the hot local pro. That's all.
You guys are nice parents. And that is a way awesome accomplishment for Van!
I would think than an $85 toy should be worth more than one week of no TV... maybe the whole summer? (is it really a big problem / addiction for Van? Cuz as I teacher I hate how much time kids spend in front of the tv... it makes it impossible to keep their attention span in the classroom)
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