I have a thing about customer service...you don't have to be phenomenal, but you have to at least try. Maybe it's because I work in customer service, and realize that it can make or break having a customer for life.
A couple of months ago I had a bad experience. Paul suggested I write a post then, I decided I would overlook the situation.
I really like going to Kneaders, and it helps that I live super close to one...and then today happened...
Vin hates his car seat. Poor thing can scream for a whole car ride. It makes using a drive thru a bit difficult. We ate at In N Out, and I passed on the shake so that I could go over to Kneaders for my treat instead. Big mistake, huge (tell me what movie that is off of!). Because Vin is screaming, Paul says just run in, and I will drive around. Of course before I had even gotten out of the car I knew what we wanted. I waited FOREVER to order...because of two indecisive ladies. Really annoying. Maybe cashier #1 should have said something to these two ladies like "while you guys decide, I am going to take the next person who is ready." Instead I wait, and wait, and wait. Cashier #2 finally comes to help out, and takes my order. Phew, I am finally going to get someone to take my $4 and something cent order. I stand not 5 feet away from where she took my order...and wait, and wait, and wait...probably 4 orders are up before Paul enters the scene. He is making sure that I am still alive. At this point it has now taken me 15 minutes to order this...

15 minutes. Really. Paul has to make A HUGE stink for them to even "prepare" my order...which took them all but 5 seconds to drop into this plastic container. No apology, no free dessert, and I was soooo pissed off...I didn't even want it anymore. Boo!
The moral of this story: Don't expect good customer service if you go to Kneaders. If you are in a hurry, just get the shake from In N Out...and skip Kneaders all together.
Blech. There's just something about bad service that can put a damper on ANY dining situation. I used to work on a call floor so I always try to be super nice to people who are taking their days, night and weekends to serve the general public. That said...those who are oblivious to their job and don't care about making the customer happy really bug. I'm sorry love.
still haven't tried it... not sure if I should now!
I don't go there very often, but the last two times I have, I was very unimpressed. My coworker and I ordered their chicken salad, and we each had about 2 TB of it on our sandwich. Very chintzy.
Yikes. I've never been to Kneaders. Maybe I never will. And I'm pretty sure it's Pretty Woman. Am I right? What do I win? One of those chocolatey things in the plastic container? That looks like a tasty prize.
Pretty Woman!!!
You probably ought to call their corporate office. I'm sure they'd like to know how the service is. Ours down here in Lindon is AWESOME, but I'd surely let them know if it wasn't. Manda is notorious for calling the CEO of a company to handle things. She usually gets what she wants. :)
I've always loved my food from Kneaders but the service has left something to be desired for sure. What a miserable experience! Come over here and try Hagermann's. You'll love it and the service is great!
SO just FYI if you want kneaders bakery to see this I would...
Switch your title to Kneaders Bakery, put Kneaders Bakery as your tag. Save your picture on your computer as Kneaders Bakery and then upload it to your post. Then put Kneaders Bakery 3 times in your post, one time bolded.
That way when Kneaders Bakery googles themselves (which they totally do) they will see it!
boo ya!
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