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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

funny story #3

Why is it that when you have a baby all of your funny stories revolve around poop? Adult poop isn't funny, but when babies is automatically funny...oh, and when they fart too! Yeah, I said it, I laugh every time Vin farts. It never gets old. Now you will think I am like an 8 year old little boy or something, but whatev. I swear everyone had a baby all at the same hopefully ya'll pick up what I'm throwin' down.NE-who. We (as in me, SIL, and Jayni) decided to have a baby play date. Van even joined the fun by bringing Doll-E to the party! We compared baby fat, sleeping schedules, hair, ya know...the usual.
Somewhere between shoving my breakfast sandwich in my face, and talking about nursing...I started to smell something. I checked Vin...nothin'. Jayni checked T.Ray...nothin'. SIL checked Kenslee...nothin'. We picked up right where we had left off not thinking another thing of it. Well, the smell came back...dun, dun, dun!Just as I am picking Vin up to check his bum again, I catch a glimpse of hand had POOP all over it, and so did my black pants!! He had a blow out all over public!! I immediately start laughing, and of course the girls did to. Mostly because it wasn't them, I am sure SIL's mascara got smeared from laughing so hard. There were people that were coming to sit at the table next to us, and they immediately changed you blame 'em!?


Emily said...

Holy crap! (And I mean that literally!) I so don't miss those days! LOL

Cathy said...

Oh, so glad to see that I'm not the only mommy who blogs about poop!

Kristina P. said...

I was reading a blog post today, about the blogger's boy and his poop. WITH PICTURES.

All of the previous commenters before me were clearly mothers, because they all thought it was hilarious. I was throwing up in my bamboo holder.

Jerilee E. said...

so funny and so gross all at the same time!! babies think they are so funny ;)

Kings said...

Lol I'm laughing all over again! Good times :)

Brenda said...

Vin thanks for the good laugh!

Unknown said...

LOL!! I guess you'll have to start keeping an extra outfit in the diaper bag for you too! :)

Unknown said...

LOL!! I guess you'll have to start keeping an extra outfit in the diaper bag for you too! :)

AubreyMo said...

Oh dear!!! Good thing you were wearing black pants and not white!

Tiffany said...

Ahhh, cute babies! I love that poop is just a second nature conversation amongst mommies!