She has been complaining about her tooth hurting, but like the great Mom that I am...I didn't listen (please insert sarcasm here). She said that it felt like a piece of popcorn was stuck. Mmmm, not shocking since she eats buckets of popcorn. Seriously, she does.
Yesterday we were sitting eating lunch, and out of no where she yells..."Mom, my tooth is loose!" We were both excited, and upon further inspection I noticed that her adult tooth had already broken through...and was well on it's way. That explains the feeling of a popcorn kernel stuck in her gums.
Like the great Mom that I am, I decide to pull up all the videos on You Tube of how people pull teeth out, and Van sat in horror!! I told her that my parents would use the plyers to pull out my teeth, and when I showed her what plyers were...she almost died right then. I also gave her the option of doing the string to the door handle, I still can't understand why she declined that.
After hours of trying to wrap dental floss around it, grab it with toilet paper...I had to go to work.
This morning when Van woke up waaaay too early, she was back at it. I finally got some string, and got a good hold on it. So good that I couldn't get the string off unless she pulled her tooth out. After hours of it dangling, I did the unthinkable. I tricked Van. Paul couldn't believe it did it. 
I asked her if I could just look at her tooth. I held her head, pretended to look at the string, and said one, two, three...and with a hard pull...I did it! She cried. A. LOT. Van ran right to Paul...telling me how mean I was. Do I regret it? Nope. I don't even feel bad, because as soon as she had Paul on her side...she ran to her room and put it under her pillow.
She may not be mad at you but she won't ever let you forget what you did, trust me! One time I ripped a Band-Aid off my sisters leg (or was it her arm?) after saying I just wanted to look at it. Rip went the bandage, out came the tears, and even though that was probably over 20 years ago, she's never forgiven me...though we do laugh about it!
Congrats to you both! I'm just glad my girls like to pull out their own teeth!
Way to go Van! I can't wait for the tooth fairy to come visit you. ;)
I remember my dad did that to me once. It was a heck of a lot easier than the front tooth that I turned (yep, totally backwards) and left for a day because I was too scared to pull it. GO VAN! The tooth fairy is awesome!
Way to go Mom! I always knew you were great. (oh, and congrats to Van)
So exciting! How fun for her to join the ranks of the toothless grinners.
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