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Friday, January 14, 2011

pay it forward friday: first of 2011

If you are a Mother, a mother of two...this is the best post I have read. I love you, Kalli!

This a blog that Vanessa featured as one of her Monday's Maven. House of Smith's is by far my favorite new blog of 2011. If you don't swoon over her house, I don't know what will make you swoon. It looks like something out of a magazine. I happen to love this tutorial she did as well...everyone should do this. ;)

Okay so I lied...I have two favorite new blogs for 2011...The Daybook is my other favorite. If I could be this cute, I would die a happy lady. Okay, and I want her wardrobe, and I want to take that many pictures of myself...and they all be that cute.

If I ever got married again...this would be how I would do it. AND I would most def be that size too! =)

This is an email I got from Tiffany, this is someone who deserves some comment love. I loved her header, head over to this blog and say hi!

alrighty...that is all I have for the first pay it forward Friday. Send me emails, leave a comment...I would love to send a shout out your way!


Kristina P. said...

I just met the cute House of Smiths blogger, last night! I need to spend more time looking around there.

Kalli said...



House of Smiths said...

Thank you SO MUCH!
You're so nice to include me in your shout out!!!
I'm totally honored :)

Thanks, cute girl!
~Shelley Smith

~j. said...

Excellent suggestions! I love that you're doing this. Have a great weekend!