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Thursday, August 4, 2011

best kind of news.

In the middle of feeling sorry for myself, my Dr. appointment, and the over all black cloud I had been dragging around with BFF has been lovely.  Not shocking because she is my BFF, right!?

She has left me little notes on my Facebook, comments on my blog, and numerous calls...all the while she had been keeping a secret.

My BFF had been know why?  She has been busy baking a baby!!  EXCITING huh!?

Congrats BFF on your Baby Parry-Woods.  I couldn't be more excited!  You are gonna be an awesome Mommy, I know this because my kiddies LOVE YOU SO MUCH...and Paul and I love you too!
{BFF holding Vin when he was minutes old}


Paige Taylor Evans said...

Congrats to your BFF! How exciting!!

Unknown said...

SO EXCITING!!! Congrats to your BFF!

Emily Christine said...

Ahhh thanks. Your so sweet! I love that picture of Devin and I! :) Love you so much!

Vanessa said...

WOO HOO!! And you can help her along the way, hopefully she will feel ok.

Emily said...

Tell her congrats from me too! Yippee skippee!

Brenda said...

Congratulations to such great news!! :)

Unknown said...

I am so excited for Em to have a baby! She is going to be such a great Momma.

Kings said...

awww!!! Yea! I'm so exited for you her!