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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

18 months.

Still can't believe that the DEVINator is 18 months old.  I decided to share a few fun facts about him, because's my blog, and I don't want to forget.

So on with the show...
Our Vin is the BIGGEST Momma's boy on the planet.  Which can make things a bit interesting.  He will sit outside the bathroom door while I do my business, occassionally knocking to make sure I am still in there.  It is like Christmas when I finally come back out.
Our Vin loves anything and everything that comes out of Vannah's room.  He can be found wearing bracelets, carrying a purse, wearing Momma's shoes, and begging for lip gloss 99% of the time.
Vin is shy.  He warms up quick, and becomes the entertainer that our little family knows and loves.
Vin is our dare devil, and likes to push the limits.  When he gets hurt he recovers quickly...thank goodness.
Vin can spot a balloon from miles away, and point and yells for everyone to notice.  He is a lover of balls, clothes, and dancing.
Vin has been a blast getting to know, and although he likes to test our patience...we sure do love him.


Emily said...

Such a handsome boy! Love that little guy!

Unknown said...

so handsome!!

Greg and Heather said...

so cute! i can't believe it. have you tried nursery yet?

~kamie~ said...

I can't believe he's 18 months! Dev is a stud and is very handsome.

Jerilee E. said...

aw- can't believe he's already 18 months! Such a handsome little man.

Unknown said...

And he is DEFINITELY the most handsome 18 month old in the Universe!! :) That picture of him in Van's room kills me! Lila can always be found in her brother's room doing the same thing.