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Friday, September 2, 2011

all things vintage and thrifted.

It appears if you have something vintage or thrifted, you are now in the "cool kid club".  In an effort to figure out why this is so cool, I went and tried my hand in thrifting.

I went in with an open mind, my camera in case of funnies, and a good friend to laugh with.
I was determined to buy something just so when I did this blog post, I could type a little caption below a picture that says "glass cup: thrifted" or when someone asks me where I got it...I can say "oh, that's thrifted!"  Then I will be in the "cool kid club" for sure. Right?
The color scheme in my house actually goes pretty well with all that old 70's garbage or what the cool kids are calling it was easy to find lots that wouldn't look out of place in my house.

I had this idea that I could buy some little bowls/cups for my nightstand, or dresser. Then at night I can just throw my bobby pins, rings, or whatever in it.

My friend and I instantly fell in love with this little gem...
{glass cup: thrifted.  place of purchase is being withheld}

It was 50 cents, how could I go wrong.   I mean a soda where I work is more than that.

When we went over to what this store was calling the "collectible" case, I saw this same cup for $20.  I decided I either just really scored something special, or someone is trying to seriously screw people over by making them think it is worth $20 by putting in a special "collectible" case.  We will never know.
So what do I think about thrifting? I can honestly say I am okay with not being in the thrifting club. I never felt comfortable being in the "in crowd" anyway.  I am perfectly content to buy new.  At least I can say I tried, and it just isn't my thing.

My next adventure is to paint something turquoise.  What? Everybody is doing it...


kendahl a. said...

I like new things. As cool as the old vintage stuff is, I have a hard time using something that's been used before. I can leave the thrifting to everyone else - it seems as though other people find stuff cooler than I do anyway.

Vanessa Brown said...

Growing up HAVING to shop at DI or garage sales for birthday presents and clothes I HAVER NEVER BEEN BACK. I DON'T EVEN WANT TO THRIFT. Never not ever.

Wait I thought of something I *DO* from back in the day is made with really nice I do have all my Grandma's old chester drawers.

Does that count?

Baw ha ha turquoise you crack me up.

Kristina P. said...

I am OK with consignment stores. Not so much thrifting.

Jamie Newman said...

I'm a germaphobe so that is all I can think of with anything old that can't be thrown into the dishwasher. I do love the little owl you found though-- but I do have a penchant for owls right now.

Melissa Louise said...

Haha you crack me up. Such an honest view. I personally "thrift" because I'm a poor newlywed lol. I'm a cheapo and can't stand to buy new things when I think I can get it at the DI or KSL or something way cheaper, because the second I use it, it's not new anyway. To be honest, the cupcake stands and the centerpieces at my wedding were from DI. Ha I don't care if it's trendy, it sure isn't that classy.

Nicole said...

Love the owl! Is he part of your decor now? I don't have a clue how to decorate. Kevin calls our "style" Classic American Hodgepodge. I wish our home was like a Pottery Barn catalog but I need to admit that it never will be.

Unknown said...

The owl is the purchase that got away. I didn't like it, and then I looked at the picture...and thought why didn't I buy that. It would have looked cute up in my little nook. Oh well.

Cathy said...

I live in my grandma's house. Her attic and garage are basically a thrift store. I like the stuff because it means something, to me or at one time, to her. Buying other people's old stuff just does not appeal to me. Turquoise or not. And thanks for the laugh.

_emily_rose said...

I love your honesty and the fact that you know what you like! I'm about to move into a 100 year old cottage house, with a kitchen addition from the 60s. Some of the antique and vintage stuff fits me, and the style of the house. Going shopping in my grandmothers basement has been a lot of fun and has yielded some great finds. I love things with a purpose and/or a story. Just saying I got this at a thrift store doesn't say more than I got this at Target.

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

You're so cute. I don't really have a love for thrifting, because I think you have to go a LOT to find real treasure. But the other trash-to-treasure trend of repurposing makes total sense to me. To take something that you already have and make it better is what I'm interested in. At least that's what I tell myself when I have all this crap lying around, waiting in line for a makeover. :)

dust and kam said...

I don't have enough patience for thrifting.

I am thinking I need to paint our dinning table turquoise. Or should I paint it yellow? :) I did actually buy yellow paint for my front door. We'll see how that goes. We are painting the exterior of the house black/dark grey. I know. I can't help it. (random and off topic, yes?)