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Friday, September 9, 2011

my relationship with the internet.

Do you ever feel like the internet has ruined relationships just as much as it has helped them?

I am always having this inner conflict with the internet.  There are so many reasons to love it, and just as many for me to hate it.

The other night I made my blog private, invites were sent and everything.  {sidenote: my Sista instantly called to ask me what was wrong, and I love her for that!} I once deleted my Facebook.  Then there is Twitter, I can take that or leave it anyday.

What ever happened to "catching up" with someone via the telephone or actually stopping by in person to see someone?  I feel like we don't think of this often enough, because maybe we read a friends Twitter stream, Facebook updates, and a few blog posts...and well, you know what is going on with them. 

I feel like my life is much more than what I put on the internet.  I also know that some of my friends are hurting, and guess what...they aren't putting that stuff on the internet.  They are quietly suffering by themselves, and maybe even hoping someone reaches out to them.

This post has been circling around the internet, and I feel like everyone needs to read it.  It was life changing for me.

Every day I think of what my sign would say...most days it would say...
I am feeling left out.

What would your sign say?


Kristina P. said...

It's such a mixed bag, isn't it! I think I keep a pretty good balance. It's actually one reason I don't use Twitter. I think it's social media overload.

Heather said...

I think my sign would say, "I dont WANT to be fat or unhealthy."

Mostly because people see you plus sized and might not realise that it isnt your choice to be that way. They judge on size without realising how hard some of us work to be healthy.

Cathy said...

Oh, man. Could we please just meet in person some day soon? My sign says, "You'd like me if I'd just let you get to know me."

kendahl a. said...

I think your sign pretty much sums up my sign.

Melissa Louise said...

Often I get caught into the trap of "competing" with other women. It seems to me that every time I take the chance to really get to know someone, I turn out to really like them. It's true that everyone has their thing. Right now my sign says "I'm a spoiled rotton newlywed", but it didn't always say that. A few years ago it would've been "Help. I'm living with an abusive drug addict and it's too dangerous for me to leave on my own", and nobody would've ever guessed. I love your blog, Evonne :) Thanks for writing.

Lindsey from The R House said...

Mine would say, "Hey Evonne, when are you going to come over and play?"

Love this post!

Emily said...

I. love. that. post. And this one. I think our world of blogging and access to what everyone's doing, what conference they're attending, what events they were invited to, makes it super easy to feel left out. I know I've felt that way. (You should see some of my Skype convos with Steph.) But I'm getting better at getting over it--most days.

I think we do need to make more of an effort to connect offline. (That's why I love CFA play dates at The District.) Pretty soon the art of conversation is going to be lost. And that makes me really sad.

Your sign should read "I make Emily smile every time she sees me."

Mine might read "I'm checking your sing for grammatical errors." (That was me, trying to be funny. It would actually read "I wish I were really, really good at something.")

Michelle said...

Without the internet, I probably wouldn't be able to talk to you. Because of health, I probably wouldn't be able to talk to many people at all. Yes, it has it's downfalls, but in the end, the internet is great.

Sam Jo said...

Wow Von! This post and the article you posted was exactly what I needed today. I love you.

Lyle Family said...

Once again you made me tear up girly ...I think mu sign would say..."I need someone's help today, I'm struggling to do it myself! "

Vanessa said...

Oh good I have been waiting for you to write a post like this, I feel like it has been on the "tip of your tongue" for awhile now :) The internet HAS made me become friends with friends for life. BUT the friends that I have made on the internet that I am close to call me, we meet up, etc. The internet has really RUINED relationships too. Giving a thumbs up or a like on FB when you have a baby or mindlessly saying happy birthday on your wall is lame. Facebook doesn't count for showing you care for someone. I always think of taking down my facebook.


Emily Christine said...

I love you. My sign would probably say "It's hard living away from my family and friends!". I am gratful for the internet being it makes it easier, but yeah I agree some people I am "friends" with I can't say I would truly call or hang out with them... time to unfriend some people! One of the things that bothers me (and I know we have talked about it before) but when you unfriend someone because you never talk and a couple months go by and they hear you are getting married, having a baby ect and they re-friend you just so they can look at your pictures and never had the intention of talking.

Unknown said...

I love this post and agree with you 100%. I often have to step back and also think about the family time I'm missing out on by being on the Internet. Sometimes it's hard to find a balance in this technological world. I don't have that many friends on Facebook because I prefer to keep my real friends my real friends and ignore everyone else. My sign would probably say, "I have a billion unresolved emotional issues that I keep trying to bury away with food, so please don't judge me because I'm fat".

Jerilee E. said...

Great post. I do love the internet because it keeps me connected to everything going on back with my family and friends. Living where I literally have no family or really close friends sucks. Which is why my sign would say "I feel like I don't fit in here" or "I want to be friends but I just don't know how". Internet helps me feel a part of all the things that I am missing. I do see how it makes things a lot more impersonal, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Spain. I like your work so much, I follow you :)

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I often have the same thoughts - so just know you're not alone!!

Tiffany said...

GREAT post. I feel the same way. I hate the internet. My sign would say I feel left out and not good enough.