POST EDIT: Sleep Buddy would like to do a giveaway. Enter to win one by commenting on this post! Giveaway will end December 5...Midnight.
A few months ago Rebecca was asking about a "ok to wake up" clock on Facebook. How is it that I have been a Mom for 7 years, and never heard of this? It just so happened the following week I was asked to review the Sleep Buddy...and all my dreams came true. {wink, wink}
If you are clueless like I is the 4-1-1
The Sleep Buddy is good for kids that are:
- In the crib and moving to a bed withing a couple of months
- Currently transitioning from crib to bed
- Sleeping in a bed, but not staying through the night
Van has always been a really horrible sleeper, and still is. What can I say? I didn't know what I was doing with her. :) I can think of a huge list of things that I did with her that I changed the 2nd time around with Devin...and guess what? Devin is my rock star sleeper! It is true what they say about the first being a guinea pig.
When we got the Sleep Buddy I wanted to try it on Devin first. We have been using it for about two weeks, and I can honestly say I think it works. I think he is a little young, and I don't think he fully 'gets' it...but I have noticed a difference. Devin is a somewhat light sleeper. Since Van needs to be up for school at 6:30ish, Devin seems to always accidentally get woken up...which makes for a cranky pants. I have his sleep system set up to turn on at 7:00 PM {sometimes he doesn't always make it in the crib at this time}, and turn off at 8:00 AM. We also have his naps set up with the sleep system too. The last few mornings he hasn't made a peep before 8:00 AM, which is a huge improvement. I make a big deal when I get him out of his crib "yeah Devi, you waited until the light was turned off" {imagine my best baby voice}. He also will point and "talk" to his light when you tell him it is time for bed.
I personally think this will work out great for when we finally decide to transition him to his big boy bed. He will already be use to the idea, and I can implement the reward chart they have included with the Sleep Buddy.
As far as Van goes...I need a Sleep Buddy for her too...after 7 years that girl still can't seem to sleep a full night in her own bed. So help me people.
Have you used something similar to this with your kids? What have you found works best, besides threats? ;)
Sleep Buddy is offering my readers $5 off this sleep system by using "momselect" at checkout on their
website before December 31st.
Disclosure: I was given a Sleep Buddy through Mom Select to review. All opinions are my own, and so are the sleepless nights I get.