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Thursday, November 17, 2011

a date with my devi.

I made plans to go to the American Crafts Warehouse sale yesterday.  I figured if Dev was good during all the crazy shopping...then I would let him go run wild with the dinosaurs at the museum. Luck was on my side, and he was a gem. 

It was comical watching him run up and down the ramps, and growl at all the big dinosaur bones. It made my heart happy to see him not constrained to his stroller, because when I take two...I can't seem to keep track of both.  

We picked up icecream, got our picture taken in the photo booth, and we came home and took short naps before picking up Van from school.  When I got in bed last night I started telling Paul all about my day with, it was a good day.  I loved making memories, even if he won't remember. 

I said something on Facebook about feeling guilty for planning something fun with just Devin, because I know how much Van loves the museum.  I realized it was silly to feel guilty.  Devin will not have nearly the alone time with Paul and I that Van had.

I am excited to make it a habit to take each one of our children out individually to do something special.


Emily Christine said...

Sounds like an awesome day! Did you get some good stuff? :)

Unknown said...

What a perfect idea to take pictures with him in the photo booth! Now you will always have the photo to tell him about the special day you had together.

Emily said...

You're the best mom ever! Enjoy that one-on-one time. It's precious. :)

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

What a fun Mom! NEVER feel guilty about having a one-on-one date with one of your kids. They NEED that and so do you! I need to remember to do this more with my oldest especially. Whenever it's just her and me I can't believe how much she has to say. It's great!