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Monday, November 7, 2011

for the record.

I am still in denial.  I have been for almost a month now.

I woke up Sunday morning wondering if I actually was pregnant. Maybe I should take ANOTHER pregnancy test, then promptly went and threw up.  Um, guess I really am pregnant. I do have the baby bump, cravings, and the acne to confirm as well...I still just can't believe it.

I have been getting the same questions so I will just put them all out there...

Was this planned?

This pregnancy was not planned. Does it matter if we planned it out or not?  Nope, we will still be having a baby, and we will still be madly in love with said baby when he/she arrives. 

When are you due?

I have an idea, but until I get an ultra sound...I can only speculate.  So, I will just say Summer-ish 2012.

Are we excited?

Since I am in denial, I don't think excitement for me has happened yet.  Van is over-the-top thrilled.  She is the bestest big sister ever, and will be a pro the 2nd time around.  Vin is too little.  He just wants someone to play with him non stop.  I wouldn't say that Paul ever gets excited for me to be pregnant...and I don't blame him...I am miserable to live with. 

How do I feel?

This pregnancy has been very similar to Van's.  Thankfully.  Someone must be lookin' out for me, because if I had a repeat of Devi's I would be a mess right now.  If I eat exactly what I crave, I don't throw up.  If I can't think of anything that sounds good, and I don't eat...I throw up.  So as soon as my eyes come open in the morning, I start thinking of food that sounds good.

When are you going to the Dr.?

After we found out we were going to have a baby, I instantly thought of our new insurance.  Oh man, I picked the HIGHEST of HIGH deductibles.  We are talkin' the $12,000 plan...not thinking we would be having a baby.  Turns out, we don't have a Maternity Benefit the deductible doesn't matter.  We will be paying 100% for this baby.  So as funny as it sounds, I am shopping around. 

Is there any questions I missed?


Kristina P. said...

People are always so nosy when someone is pregnant. I would ask a very good friend if it was planned, but with anyone else, like you said, does it matter?

Melissa Louise said...

Much love your way, Evonne! You make the cutest kids :) And, your honesty inspires me. I think you are a super strong woman.

Rachel Sue said...

I hate insurance. With something of a passion. Good luck. I hope you find a good one.

Jil ~ said...

I just want to say congratulations!! I think it's wonderful. My last one was six years behind the rest and I cried for the first few months. Then I accepted it and now I feel so blessed. I can't imagine our lives without her! I imagine you will be the same way. Children are such a blessing in our lives.

Hope you get over the throwing up soon and can just enjoy the experience.

Amy said...

I remember how stressful being prego with no insurance was. You can pay out of pocket for your dr as you go until you find a dr that you want to go with. I paid out of pocket for the first 5 months of my last pregnancy and surprisingly, it was less than what my monthly payments would have been if I had insurance. Good luck with that. And CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Heck! I am so sorry about the insurance and I have been complaining (a ton) when our office bumped us up to a $2600 deductible. Thanks for putting that in perspective. Like Amy said though, a lot of doctors have cash discounts for patients that are paying out of pocket so I would inquire about that. There are certainly ways to be proactive as well and you can always question the charges.

It is funny, and not funny ha ha, the questions people feel perfectly justified to ask when you are pregnant.

Good luck with the morning sickness, I had to go on Zofran for mine.

Emily said...

Congratulations, my dear friend! Please have this baby on the east side so I have easier access to you and the new bundle of yumminess! :)

Cathy said...

Stupid insurance. Want me to organize a bake sale in your honor? I will. I sure wish I could have a surprise baby.

Jerilee E. said...

I can't even tell ya how many random strangers have asked me if we planned all our children. It's great.
I am so happy for you guys, but I understand the surprise baby thing :) and the crazy insurance- even though ours wasn't quite that high!
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Mrs. O said...

Is COBRA an option? There are some options you might not know about, email me if you'd like any info.

And yay, yay, yay - babies are the very best kind of surprise, although inheriting a million dollars from a distant relative might be a close second.

Steph said...

Our insurance didn't cover Xander because of a lapse between policies. He was worth it... I still feel that way even though he is a teenager.

I am super excited for you.

Unknown said...

I bawled for days after finding out I was pregnant with Luke unexpectedly when Andy was 14 months old. I always feel like God sends out a curve ball just as soon as life starts to get comfortable (so sorry about the insurance!), but honestly I know now that God had a hand in it because he knew Luke just needed to be here in our family at that time.

I think you should have a homebirth, I heard it's tons cheaper. Bwhahahaha TOTALLY KIDDING! :)

Cal said...

I am happy for you. Maybe I can make it to this baby shower. lol... Don't be a stranger during this pregnancy, come over and have a coke or two or three... lol
love ya

kendahl a. said...

How many pregnancies really are planned these days anyway? Not a whole lot, I would guess. Good luck with the pregnancy! And I know your baby will be adorable. You and Paul make good lookin' babies.

The Hills said...

Congratulations!! Love this post!! :) And I'm sure the insurance thing will work out. Sending good vibes your way!

Anonymous said...

So, your in a river in africa? And your pregnant? Wow these stories are getting crazier every day!

Unknown said...

so happy for you, did I tell you that?? You make darling babies so I am sure this next one will be just as darling.

Michelle said...

Congrats Evonne - I am so happy for you! I hope this one continues to treat you like Van's pregnancy. Maybe I should adopt you for the next 9 months - I'm double insured (and we use it a ton sadly).

Sarah said...

Congrats! You will love having these last 2 close together...once they are old enough to play together! It's the best. Hope you feel well. Hope you figure something out with your insurance. We've been that route, it sucks, good luck. Utah is really dumb about it especially once you are already preggers. Look into aflack regular policies.

Vanessa Brown said...

I miss you blogging! What are you busy doing? Cooking a baby or something!? ;)

Nancy said...

Can you pick up Cobra from your last job?
Boy or girl.. your hubby and you make beautiful babies!

Tiffany said...

I am SO excited for you, seriously!