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Monday, November 28, 2011

birthing a baby.

I have hesitated talking about this. Everyone has such strong opinions on this way or the other. I have felt extremely protective of my decision, and this decision hasn't been something Paul and I have taken lightly. 

I was on Twitter talking to a few ladies about natural childbirth, and that same night Paul called me at work to ask if I had ever done research on birth centers. I don't think this was a coincidence, I like to think it was something that we were both lead to.

We looked at multiple birth centers online, Midwives, and I even watched a bunch of YouTube videos on natural child birth {um, I don't suggest you do this!}. I was curious enough to call one of the birth centers, and make an appointment for a tour.

It was a family affair for the tour, and I have never seen Paul so calm about all the birthing talk.  It put me at ease, and made me feel even more confident in the decision we were making.  The birthing room is like a hotel suite, and the rest of the center looks much like any other medical office.

The Midwife and I started talking water birth, about previous deliveries, and she gave me a quick ultra sound to check on baby.  It all felt so comfortable.  I have never had an ultra sound in a
La-Z-Boy before, and I have to admit it was a nice way to meet our baby "on-screen" for the first time.

I left feeling confident that the birth center is where we wanted to have this baby, but still wanted a few days to let it marinate. I can't say that I didn't waver a little.  It is a big decision, and something I have never done.

I feel like I have already started to hear the negative..."it is gonna hurt!" to "don't just make this decision because it is cheaper."  The thing is, I know it is going to hurt, I have been in labor before.  I never thought this option was going to be easy. As far as it being less expensive than the hospital, it is a major reason why we are choosing the birth center.  If you had the opportunity to save anywhere from $5,000 to $7,000, maybe more, you wouldn't question the decision you were making?

I am not saying that this decision is for everyone, I also know that if I had insurance with a deductible that was only $5,000, or insurance that covered maternity at all...I would not be making the same decision.

We all make decisions that best fit our current situation, and I am glad that we found something that meets our needs for here and now.

Happy natural birthing.


Living the Scream said...

That birthing center sounds awesome. I would love an ultrasound in a Lazyboy!

Rachel Sue said...

I did my last one natural after realizing that epidurals were no longer a possibility for me and it was great. Okay, so it wasn't super easy or anything, but I recovered SO much quicker and really had a better experience. And don't listen to anyone who tells you that you are wrong. You are the parents and you get to make the calls!

Heather said...

I think you've made a great choice! If you're happy with it and people start to 'are you sure' you, just say 'we're at peace with our decision'. It's a nice way to let them know that you've talked it out as a couple and wont be changing your mind.

I'm always fascinated when people say how much it costs to have a baby in USA! We can have them free at home/hospital and the only paying option is a private hospital which is covered by insurance except for $100 per night or so. Plus, when you have a baby, the government pays YOU! I cant recall if it is currently $5000 or $3000 because it keeps changing.

You know what I'm totally looking forward to? The ultrasound piccie on the sidebar!

Emily said...

Whatever choice you make is best for you and your baby. You know me--I'm natural all the way but my labors are relatively easy. The birthing center sounds perfect! (And it's on the east side, right? That means I can bring you lots of goodies!) :)

Jerilee E. said...

Well, I think it sounds great! I kinda wish I would have tried out a birthing center. Really, it's gonna hurt either way. You still end up with another adorable Baby Sell AND save money. Win-Win :).

Vanessa Brown said...

I am never going to tell my husband about a birthday center...cause then he'd make me do it! And I am a wuss.

Unknown said...

I think its great! Hope everything goes good for your family. I personally could never do it, because with Gabriella I had a lot of heart issues during labor, and I would not want to take a chance. Happy that you guys found your answer.

Angie said...

Only you can decide what is right for you and your family. You've researched your options, thought long and hard, and found peace with your decision....and that's all that matters! You are a brave woman...and if any one can rock a natural birth, it's YOU!

Unknown said...

Yes Jenny, if this was my first...or I had a bad experience on any of my deliveries I would use more caution. All of my delivery problems have been hospital related.

Steph said...

Of course childbirth hurts... why do people need to even say that? LOL

I think you know what is right for you and your family. And I also know that you can do anything my friend.

Tiffany said...

YOU CAN DO IT! I think that is awesome! Don't let Debbie Downers get in your head! My cousin is an AWESOME doula if you want her info, hit me up!

Lindsey said...

You are going to do AWESOME! I had decided after having Colton that I wanted to try a natural birth the next go around...let's see if I will chicken out if that time ever does come though.

Emily Christine said...

You can do it. The place sounds awesome! :)