I will be honest and tell everyone right now...we actually don't make Christmas wish lists. Probably because one of my children is too little to tell me, and the other one is happy with whatever she gets {I realize this won't last forever!}. More often than not I just go with what I think they will like, and it has worked.
Deseret Book asked me to make a wish list of stuff I would love off of their site. First of all, I didn't realize how much stuff they sell that is not religious! After browsing the entire site, most of what I put on my list was religious...but don't let my list fool you.
Since we don't do lists, I decided to let Savannah in on the fun, and we got a little carried away...and did one for Devi too!
Devi's list includes...
- I have wanted a picture of Christ in each of my children's room. The picture we chose for him is a Greg Olsen print by the name of "In His Light". Reminded me of my Devin.
- Devin is obsessed with ties!! I think it mostly has to do with Van wearing necklaces, and it his version of a necklace. He will wear a tie with t shirts, and keep it on all day. I love it.
- Do I need explain this...really that giraffe is just too cute for words.
- This goes back to what I said earlier. The picture we chose for Savannah is also by Greg Olsen and it goes by the name of "I Feel My Savior's Love". After I decided on my pictures, I went back and decided I could have gone with a few different ones, and still be really happy.
- Right now Van has the generic CTR ring that you get for a couple of bucks. I love how far the CTR rings have come, they have some really beautiful ones.
- Last year Van got her very own scriptures, and we have yet to go and purchase her a special case for them.
- This year Savannah has been talking about getting baptized. I remember my baptism like it was yesterday, and how special my parents made it for me. I received a coloring book, and another little book to jot down my thoughts...I wish I could find it now. Excited to see what this year has in store for our girl.
My list..
- I have been swooning over a really awesome temple picture for our house. We got married in the San Diego temple, and it is coming up on 13 years...aren't we due for a gorgeous temple picture!? I think yes.
- I collect Nativity sets. I have the start to the Willow Tree collection that my SIL Deanna gave me for Christmas, but I would love to add to it.
- Of course, I need a new CTR ring too. It has been 15 years since I have had one!
- The last time I got scriptures was in 1988. You don't even want to see them...so trashed. I always laugh, because my Mom wrote in the front of it...and my parents were married. So she signed it from the both of them. I barely have any memories of the two of them together, but those scriptures always give me that reminder. While I was typing this, I decided I wanted some of those scripture stickers too! :)
- I actually don't mind my temple bag, because it was a homemade gift from a friend when I went through the temple the first time. My only complaint is it really bulky. I love these little purse like bags that aren't so awkward to carry.
Whoa, are you guys still with me!? That ended up being a lot. :)
Here is the good part!! Giveaway time...
Let me know what is on your Deseret Book wish list.
One of my lucky readers will be randomly selected to receive the item(s) off of their list ($100 in value). Awesome right!?
If you would like an extra entry, go like Deseret Book on Facebook...come back and tell me in another comment!
Since we would love to have your prize to you before Christmas, the Giveaway will end Thursday the 15th, at Midnight...and winner will be emailed Friday morning!
Good luck. :)
One of my lucky readers will be randomly selected to receive the item(s) off of their list ($100 in value). Awesome right!?
If you would like an extra entry, go like Deseret Book on Facebook...come back and tell me in another comment!
Since we would love to have your prize to you before Christmas, the Giveaway will end Thursday the 15th, at Midnight...and winner will be emailed Friday morning!
Good luck. :)
Disclosure: Deseret Book compensated me for writing this post, but the wants and desires are all our very own.
I have that willow tree nativity set and I ADORE IT. I also love that CTR ring! And the scripture case. I haven't bought anything from Deseret Book in FOREVER!
I'd love that nativity set. Willow Tree is my favorite. A temple picture would be nice too.
I like Deseret Book on facebook!
My wish list is large.
I really want the willow tree nativity set. I love it, love it.
I have that CTR ring. What good taste you have. :)
I really want the Prayer at Valley Forge Print by Arnold Friberg. A lot. It's been on our list since we got married.
I love those temple prints!
I want some new Primary CD's to have at home. (Mine are in Nursery)
I could spend $100 on just books!
Gage won't wear ties very often. boo.
I love this too. http://deseretbook.com/Forget-Me-Not-Willow-Tree/i/5069075
You want me to go on? ;)
I like Deseret Book on fb. :)
I have always wanted to buy the O Jerusalem picture. Love that. I love the willow tree nativity set, I want the marble Christus Statue and many many more things, this list could be long
I liked the Desert Book FB page
There is a new, beautiful temple pop-up book I want. The plan is to surprise my girls with that and a calender page with our sealing date circled. :)
I also love those testimony gloves or kids! Such a great idea.
I too need a gorgeous temple picture. Now I just need to narrow down my list of the ones I like.
Last but not least, I want to pick-up a special gift I can give my little family on our temple day.
I like on facebook!
Thanks Von!!
I have always wanted the Greg Olsen "Precious in his sight" painting. Would love that for one of the kids' rooms. And of course would love that giraffe for Lila. It is so cute!
I follow Deseret Book on Facebook.
Here's my list:
My son lost his scriptures, so the regular quad. Then Winter Moon by Mindy Gledhill, a Liahona necklace and the cookbook Our Best Bites.
I've never commented on your blog, but a giveaway day is a perfect day to start!
Desert Book has soooo many options! I have been eyeing the Hilary Weeks CD, 17 miracles movie, the Willow Tree Nativity, Literally ANY of the paintings, and the Nephi and the Brass Plates movie. Thanks!!
I too could choose $100 in books as I know many authors who have great books I haven't read yet. Also I'd love to get my daughter a CTR ring since she turned 8 this year and the only kind she's had is the green cheap ones.
I like DB on facebook
I love my Willow Tree nativity set and have been meaning to start collecting a set for my girls. I would love to give them each a set when they get married because they know how much my set means to me!
Unfortunately, when Christmas rolls around our funds are limited...this would sure be a great push to get me started!
My girls also have just grown out of their ctr rings, so I know they would love that!
I also liked DB!
I have ALWAYS wanted the beautiful Greg Olsen, "O Jerusalem" picture. Ever since going to Jerusalem in college, I have wanted to get it. Would love DB's large framed version, but the smaller matted one is more in my price range right now. :P Would also love the Willow Tree Nativity!
I also just liked them on FB.
willow tree
books, lots of books
CTR ring
love deseret book
liked Deseret Book on facebook
I liked Deseret Book on Facebook
For some time now, I would like a Nativity Set (a mini-version) and a Hilary Weeks CD. :D
I would love a gift card from Deseret Book. There are a few different items I would like to get from them; i.e. a book, music c.d.s, songbooks to play on the piano. I love Deseret Book!
My List:
1. Hilary Weeks - Every Step CD
2. Willow Tree Nativity
3. Personalized Family Temple Letters (9x21 Framed Art)
I feel a little guilty that my list is all stuff I want.. ;)
I liked Deseret Book on Facebook!
I like Deseret Book on Facebook already.. They were who sent me to your blog! YAY!
I like Deseret Book on Facebook.
I would also love to add on to my Willow tree nativity for Christmas. Oh and some new books for my kids would be fantastic!
I would like House of Learning by the Walkers (I seen them speak at an SA conference and they were great!), the Willow Tree Nativity (I collect Nativity's too) and Volumes 3-5 of Dean Hughes Children of the Promise series!
Narrowing down my Deseret Book wish list is hard - they have so many lovely things!
I too, would also love the willow tree nativity set.
I'd also like some more church movies DVDs- I've heard 17 Miracles is good and I grew up watching the film classics, would love to have those on DVD (Johnny Lingo, Cipher in the Snow, etc)
I'd buy some ebooks, maybe Jack Weyland, I havent read his stuff in forever!
Would love to get some sheet music, The Forgotten Carols CD and an oil and vial set for my husband
I would take my family to Deseret Book and let everyone choose a little something to remember our soon-to-happen special day, where we'll be sealed as a forever family with our newly adopted son. Personally, I want to get the "Holy Family 9" by Bella Crafts" Nativity. It's simple, but beautiful.
I collect Temple pictures, and books and music are always great to have.
I've also been looking at a German copy of the Bible, Hymns, and Children's Songbook, because I'm learning German.
I also like the Joy to the world Navity. It's small size is just what I need.
Also, I already "liked" Deseret Book on FB ~ that's how I found out about your blog! :o)
And I found this post from Deseret Book on Facebook.
I love getting my Deseret Book catalog, and of course, I want everything. But, the things I want the most are:
1) David A. Bednar's new book "Increase in Learning."
2) The Joseph Smith Papers: Journals (Vol 2)
3) Teachings of Thomas S. Monson
4) "Jacob T. Marley" by R. William Bennett
5) "Live in Concert; Glad Christmas Tidings" on DVD
Of course, being the only member in my family, I won't get any of these, so winning would be amazing. Congratulations to whomever gets it, though.
I liked Deseret Book on Facebook. Thanks.
I LOVE Deseret Book! It's the reason my husband and I first started dating. As for what I want...
Increase in Learning - David A. Bednar (for my husband)
the Willow Tree Nativity (6 piece) because I, like you, collect nativities (I have 7 of them right now)
And I 'like' Deseret Book on Facebook, although Facebook should really have a "LOVE" button.
Increase in Learning - David A. Bednar
the Willow Tree Nativity (6 piece)
Deseret Book has always been great fun but this year with all the sales, free ebooks, giveaways...it has been especially fun to "look around" the store online. Since we moved and are no longer anywhere near a LDS bookstore of any kind I've been drooling over... Increase in Learning by Elder Bednar and Life's Lessons Learned by Elder Oaks. Still wanting several Michael McLean CD's and The Work by Nashville Tribute Band! Thanks for letting me dream....
Oh Boy!! I could spend $1000 at DB easy!! But to narrow it down....a beautiful picture of the Savior(probably a Greg Olsen)for our hosue....I need a new scripture case....I'd love to get my daughter some scriptures with her name and a case (she's getting baptized next year)...some CDs with primary songs and hymns.....there's about a million books I'd love to read there (like Pres. Monson's biography and almost anything by Pres. Uchtdorf...as well as the Josi Killpack series)...oh, I could go on and one, but that's probably good for now! AWESOME giveaway! Merry Christmas Evonne!
I like Deseret Book on Facebook!
I would choose Women of Faith, a calendar, and a new Nativity set, or the Christus Statue! thanks for your blog.
I would love to get my husband a new set of scriptures, his are from when he went on his mission 13 years ago. They are falling apart.
I like deserete on Facebook
I would love to get my husband a new set of scriptures, his are from when he went on his mission 13 years ago. They are falling apart.
I would like to get the In the Arms of His Love (14x21 Framed Art)and the Glad Tidings CD.
I like deseret book on facebook.
My wishlist! 17 Miracles (I've been wanting to see this), Willow Tree: Sheperd and Stable Animal Figurines, would love to add to mine!, Recipies from the Roof (for the hubby for Christmas)
I like Desert Book on Facebook!
I would want our best bites calendar, books, music, and lion house mixes.
I like deseret book on facebook.
I like Deseret Book on facebook. My wish list includes: The Book of Mormon Heirloom Edition. That is what I would want most of all. Thank you for the opportunity to enter and have hope that maybe, just maybe I could win this.
My boy will be turning 19 in two weeks and is planning to turn his papers in for his mission. I would love to get a new set of scriptures for him!
I liked DB on FB!
I liked Deseret Book on fb!
My Wishlist!! The Harmony purple temple bag, and the print of the Sacramento temple. I may need to go get that print regardless of winning or not :)
My list could go on...nativity set, books, anything "little kid" related, Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites series on CD (preferrably), um, a larger than 8x10 pic to hang on the wall...
I'd love a really nice CTR ring, like the antiqued bow one on their site. With the leftover, I'd buy a Willow Tree figuring or two!
By the way, we have that baptism book and I love it!
I am their newest "liker" on Facebook! :)
Oh, so many things! Several beautiful temple prints, a beautiful CTR ring, etc, etc.! Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
cheyenne dot robertson at gmail dot com
Big fan of Deseret Book on FB!
cheyenne dot robertson at gmail dot com
A large painting of the SLC Temple would be fantastic. I have the perfect spot for it above my living room sofa, where everyone could enjoy it!
I've wanted a nativity set since I started my own home 22 years ago. Could I really start one? Willow Tree is my favorite, too. I'd also like a temple bag and one of the beautiful new black and white pictures of the Portland, Oregon temple. But I could do $100 just in books, starting with the newly researched books on Joseph Smith. I know that is too many wishes for this list. If I win, Deseret Book could pick any of these.
P.S. I really like Deseret Book on Facebook!
We just got a Deseret Book here in Orange County. I was there today buying a few things.
I wish I could buy the Christus Statue, A Temple Bag, the Williow Tree Nativity, our Best Bites Cookbook, LDS Songbook for any Occasion, children's books, and soooooo much more. I could do some serious damage in there. What a great giveaway!!!!
Merry Christmas
Andrea007Thompson at gmail dot com
I already Liked Deseret Book on Facebook that's how I found your giveaway.
Andrea007Thompson at gmail dot com
how fun.. I love to shop there..my wish list would include:
*For my Kids:
If the Savior Stood Beside Me
by Greg Olsen-Board Book
Jesus Loves Me
by Laura Logan-Board Book
I Love You, Stinky Face
by Lisa McCourt-Board Book
Fablehaven Complete Boxed Set
by Brandon Mull
Activities for LDS Kids: Mazes
by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki
*For the family:
CTR Oil vial
Family Rules: Keep Your Promises (11x14 Plaque)
Timpanogos Temple (5x12 Plaque)
thanks! :)
jakellcth@ msn.com
I like Deseret Book on fb. :)
Hmmm... we need a big Portland temple picture. I would also get CTR rings for my older kids and maybe myself.
Like DB on FB
I want a nativity, mindy gledhills new cd, ticket to ride, Anita stansfield book, Ahhh so many wonderful things!!
I like Deseret book on fb!
I don't know how I have been missing the updates on your blog but apparently I had a lot to catch up on. I had to giggle, not because those pictures are on my kids wish lists but because I bought those pictures for my kids, the same ones, and another one for Olivia.
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