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Thursday, December 22, 2011

hi von...welcome back.

If you couldn't tell by the last week of posts...I was kind of far behind in my blogging obligations. It was a nice distraction to "work" on my blog instead of trying to think of topics, take pictures, and write any sort of emotional feelings down.

I still can't believe we are days away from Christmas. This year has not felt traditional or normal. I didn't send out Christmas cards like all the other previous years, we have done little shopping, and I hardly decorated. I was starting to feel like I might not feel the magic of Christmas at all...maybe just spend the whole month going through the motions.

Today is the first day of Van's holiday break from school, and it was like POOF! everything seems right in my world...and I feel this overwhelming Christmas spirit. It is a definite sense of relief, but it also feels oh so good people!

This morning we all slept in. We had a fun breakfast play date. We came home and I taught the kids how to slide down the stairs in pillow cases. We made play doh animals, and then we baked some of our favorite was just what I needed to snap me out of this crazy.  Oh, and then I decided to make a grocery list of all those snack foods we are gonna need for our long weekend {CHEESEBALLS are on the menu!}.

So excuse me while I soak up this new found happiness.  I still have oodles of thank you notes to write, and I want to tell you about the awesome things our friends did for us while I have been are not going to believe how creative and awesome my friends really are!

I will leave you with a token cute picture of my kids, because they really are freakin' awesome...


Melissa Louise said...

Yay! I want to come to your house and celebrate! Having an apartment with just me and my (self-proclaimed) grinch husband doesn't feel Christmasy at all. Have fun!!

Kristina P. said...

Your kids are so cute! I was just telling my coworker that this is really the first year where I'm really looking forward to the holidays being over. I think moving, remodeling, and getting a new dog, all before the holidays has just been too stressful.

Jil ~ said...

Darling picture!! I'm glad your children were able to get you out of the crazy!! Enjoy your time with them because it's gone way too fast!!

Merry Christmas!!

Emily said...

I think it's in the air. You're not the only one who's felt a bit "blah" this holiday season. I'm right there with you. But I'm glad you're Van is home and you're doing lots of fun stuff. It does help!

By the way, when did Vin get SO big?!?!? Stop those kids from growing, will you?

Vanessa said...

Dang those kids are adorable

Greg and Heather said...

what a cute picture!