Today was my first prenatal visit.
I was a bit nervous...of course, I was thinking all the negative things the Dr. could tell me instead of positive.
My Dr. is lovely, and spent ample time explaining what actually happened to me. Up to this point we had been assuming and going off of what the ultrasound tech had thought might have happened.
The idea was that I had a cyst rupture. This was not the case.
All the hemorrhaging was coming from baby, not cyst. Right now I am still on pelvic rest (laugh it up, it's a funny term). No vacuuming, no hanky panky, and try to lift Devin up as little as possible. I am doing a pretty good job, because I have had no bleeding for almost two weeks. Go Von!
I do have a very large cyst. It is about 13 centimeters in width...which is a little over 5 inches. I had hoped that they would be able to remove my cyst when we were in the delivery it a two-fer, but no such luck. My cyst is much too large, and will require them to put me under, incision, and an additional overnight stay in the hospital. Oh, and depending on what the cyst has done to my innocent ovary, that may be removed as well. The Dr. would like to see this surgery take place in the next 6-8 weeks, before my 3rd trimester. If I don't get it done now, I will have to go back in for surgery when baby girl is 2 weeks old. Both are not options I want, but are reality. We will make a decision hopefully soon.
On a high girl looks good. She is shy, and doesn't like people prodding. She doesn't care for food much, because I have successfully lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. Right now if she does want any food it is fresh fruit, Mexican food, or any and all dairy.
I could not be more excited to meet this little girl, and Savannah is excited to wear matching outfits. :)
I am thinking lots and lots of sticky thoughts.
Well what does that mean that all that blood was coming from the baby and not the cyst?
Oh my. I hate when you have to choose between two options and neither are any fun. :( I am so glad baby girl is healthy, and shy is totally okay. Who says she needs to be an exhibitionist? There's plenty of time for that!
Kinda wish I could be on pelvic rest. (You know what I mean...LOL)
Positive thought and prayers coming your way!! Hope all goes well!!
What a terrible choice to have to make. I guess at 13cm it is going to be in her way as she grows, but I'd be tempted to go the two weeks post baby route. Actually I think I'd go with whatever is safest for her. I dont envy you for having to make this desicion, but I know you'll do the right thing for you and your family.
I cannot wait to meet baby. I am glad she is doing well.
I wish I could take your kiddos for a few days when you have surgery. Paul could take care of you and I could take care of your kiddos. Blasted 3 hours drive! Seriously though... whatever you need, I am there!
She is going to be the most perfect angel, after all the problems during your pregnancy, that's only fair. Although, having to be on pelvis rest doesn't sound so bad :)
I am so ecstatic that your baby girl is doing well! I wish you the best of luck for surgery, whichever decision you choose.
Both are terrible options, but at least the baby is healthy. Good luck and again, congrats! I can't wait to see what she looks like. Any thoughts on names yet?
Well that's not EVER any fun to have to have surgery, but that's great that the baby's doing well!
Boo for pelvic rest!!! But I'm glad you & baby are doing good. My prayers & thoughts are with you in making your decision. Hope all goes well!
Yeah what does it mean that the bleeding came from baby??
Happy she is doing well! If I can help you, I would love too!! Just let me know!
Have a good rest so the symptoms will stop appearing. It all depends on your health condition.
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