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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

our baby.

I usually don't feel overly religious, it just isn't me.  I wanted to jot this story down even if it feels awkward for me, because I think it will be great for our new baby girl to read.

Paul and I always knew we were going to have two girls.  We joke that we just didn't know there was a Devin for us.  If Devin would have been a girl, we would have been done. I have never felt so strongly that we needed to have another baby than the day we brought our Devin home from the hospital.  I had such an awful pregnancy with him, and yet the feelings were so strong that I needed to do it just one more time.

After everything that happened in his first year of life, I went up and down on wanting more. That depression stuff can do a number on your emotions.

We were surprised when we found out we were expecting baby #3.  I cried, and Paul was the glue that held us together.  I have never had an easy pregnancy, and I was scared to do it all over again...especially after just having such an ugly period of time.

I knew from the very beginning this was "our girl".  My boy pregnancy and girl pregnancy were very different, and all signs pointed to this being so much like a girl pregnancy. It is hard to explain that feeling of just knowing.

After all the crazy stuff went down, and we thought we lost the baby...I knew I had accomplished what I set out to do.  Even though a Dr. didn't tell me that our baby was a girl, I knew.  Paul and I had several talks about him wanting that girl we knew we were suppose to have, and me telling him I was really, really done.  It didn't feel weird to say we were finished, I was really at peace.  I could see the big picture, the plan...if you will.

Paul laughs and says that this baby knew after how serious I was about being done, this was her last chance to make it to our family...and she better just hang on tight in there.  Whatever the reason she made it through all of this, and still continues to thrive, we are so happy she did.  She will definitely be the perfect ending to our family, and a story that we won't soon forget. 


Vanessa said...

it's not bad to be overly religious sometimes! can't wait to meet this baby girl

Melissa said...

So sweet and honest....and makes me want to procreate, but better wait for that. Anyway, as always, love your posts

Emily Christine said...

I'm so glad that she made it. I am so excited to meet her! I'm thinking she is going to be a brunette with freckles! :)

Tiffany said...

Oh so sweet. Just the thing I needed to start my good cry for the night.....

Emily said...

I can NOT wait to meet this sweet little spirit!

Greg and Heather said...

We had the same experience after having Blake. Except not the girl part...I wish. :)

dust and kam said...

I cannot wait for little miss Sell to arrive. And I love that you have an amazing story to tell her. (even though it may not have been easy to live through)

You are one amazing gal with one amazing family.

love you forever.

Unknown said...

She is definitely your miracle baby! Can't wait to see her! :)