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Thursday, January 12, 2012

spelling bee

Savannah has been working hard on a list of words this past month, because her school is having a spelling bee. Her and I didn't know that Daddy had a secret weapon for learning the words quickly until last night...and then she cried that she was going to embarrass herself and not spell something right.

I didn't realize how important this spelling bee was to her.

Lesson learned.

We were in the car a few days ago, and she was really stressed about only having a few days left to practice. Then she went on to say...

"Mom, if I win I get to go to that place, ya know, the one where Obama lives!"

I must have said something, oh wow.

Then she said...

"I really need to win, because we need a family vacation, and that could be it!"


Today as she hopped out of the car, I yelled "Good luck on that spelling bee Savannah...either way it will be okay!"

And she smiled.


Angie said...

It's spelling bee time at our house, too!! The word list is crazy hard...and we're only getting 2 weeks to study!! She's up against reps from every class 2nd through 6th grade....any little tips you are will to share would be sooo appreciated. Good luck Savannah!

Cathy said...

I got eliminated in round one in 6th grade. I spelled it B-A-N-G-O. That's not how you spell banjo. I've never gotten over it. And I've never been in another spelling bee.

Melissa Louise said...

Man, there was huge pressure in my family due to the fact that my brother was the state champion in his prime. I won my school and went to district and got out on the first word. And you know what that word was? Jimjams. And I accidentally added an extra s after jim. I've never felt so stupid in my life. However, I'm sure Savannah will do wonderfully :)

dust and kam said...

I don't think I have ever been in a spelling bee. I wouldn't get to go to Obama's house. That's for sure. Especially now that the computer spells for me.

I hope she does so good. I hope she feels like she does so good. I just love her and her heart.

Cal said...

Good luck cute girl! I have a few things that I need her to tell Obama for me. I hope she wins!

Vanessa said...

I think that is one of my favorite pictures of her!!

Unknown said...

She got out in the 2nd round. She was devastated...because she is a competitive lil' soul. Maybe next year we will make it to the White House. ;)