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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

preparing for baptism

Savannah turning 8 has kind of snuck up on us. Wasn't she just born!? She was invited to a baptism preview a couple of weeks ago, and I almost couldn't believe she was old enough to go.

Savannah wants to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but she just doesn't want to do the baptizing part. That poor girl hates water, and has pretty much worried about everything.  The baptism preview ended up being so awesome for her to attend {kudos to the Primary Presidency}. She was able to see the font, hear how to prepare herself, and her favorite part was listening to the leader talk about Activity Days!

Even with my really awful memory, my baptism day is a day that is burned into my soul. It was such a special day for me...from my wrist corsage that my Dad gave me, to the really pretty dress my Mom made me to wear. I couldn't help but feel emotional as I talked to the Primary President about witnesses, who will watch my other two kids while I help Savannah, and making this day extra special for my Savannah. I am hoping it is a day that she will never forget, just like my baptism day.


Frieda Loves Bread said...

Oh, she is such a sweetie! I can totally understand the not wanting to go into the water part. My twin nieces were almost terrified ~ one got baptized and the other, well, took her sweet time. Is her daddy baptizing her? I'm sure she will do great! Congrats!

Cal said...

That is a neat idea. Both my kids were terrified and I had to bribe them with a toy. lol... She is such a cutie and very proud of her!

Tiffany said...

I know how you feel about it sneaking up on you, I felt the same way last summer when it was William's time to be baptized.... She is such a cutie patootie!!

~kamie~ said...

I can't believe that Savannah will be old enough to be baptized this year. Savannah is a beautiful girl. Love her.

Unknown said...

so exciting! We have 2 being baptized this year..they too are so excited! They are getting to big for sure!

Stew said...

Oh look at that sweetie, such an adorable little girl! She deserves more than just hugs and kisses, I would gladly trade my kids' childrens designer wear to see those kind of beautiful smile around me here in Vallejo.