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Thursday, March 22, 2012

snail mail + giveaway

We started Operation Snail Mail close to a year ago now. It started off as a simple complaint from Savannah wanting more fun mail, and grew to be one of our biggest, most fun, ongoing projects! Believe it or not, we still have not made it through all the people from our original Facebook list.

We have gotten a lot more organized, and creative since the beginning. It has made me want to send all the original recipients more mail now that we have more experience under our belt.

Here is some of the things we do to make our letters and packages cute, more special, and hopefully make the person feel like we really thought it out.

We ordered some of these from Tiny Prints awhile ago, along with that I bought one of those huge sticker books with like 1,000+ stickers in it, I let Savannah go to town decorating the outside of the package/envelope. Sometimes it is just one simple sticker, and sometimes that girl does a million. I like to think people feel extra special when the package/envelope is all dolled up.

This year we went against tradition, and did Valentine cards instead of Christmas. Who doesn't love unexpected snail mail. Which leads me to tell you about this...

I am never on time with birthdays, Christmas, etc. I always say I am going to be better, but it just doesn't happen. I am starting to think I like my personality flaw. I love that when my Alice in Wonderland gets her Christmas present, it is at the end of January...and it is way more exciting because it is out of the blue.

This idea is just one our Sell quirks...we have always done this...we ask the post office if they have cute stamps. None of those boring love stamps.  They look at you kinda crazy, but I love looking through the huge book of unique stamps to put on my snail mail.

Okay, so those are just a few of my ideas. What do you do to make snail mail fun or do you even send any out anymore? 

Tiny Prints would like to offer one of my lucky readers 4 sets of 24 address labels {plus free shipping} to make your snail mail more fun!

Just comment and you are entered.

Winner will be contacted via make sure I have that information so that I can do so. Giveaway will end March 26th at Midnight.

You can find Tiny Prints...
On Twitter
On Pinterest
On Facebook

Disclosure: Tiny Prints is sponsoring the giveaway, and will be giving the winner and I address labels. Operation Snail Mail is all me.


Lindsey said...

You are so freaking cute! I love getting mail that isn't bills!

~kamie~ said...

I love snail mail the most. I love that you do too.

Jill K said...

Oh I do love me some snail mail.

Cathy said...

We loved being on your snail mail list! I love cute stamps too but I'm too shy to ask for them at the post office. I should bring you with me next time.

Melissa Louise said...

Evonne, what is YOUR address so you and yours can get some fun mail? You can pm me on fb so it's not so public.

Angie said...

Snail mail is super fun...I know my girls love getting envelopes with their names on them! What a fun give-away!

Unknown said...

I love getting fun mail and I love super cute address labels from Tiny Prints. :)

The Circus said...

I think it's a great idea. I thought about doing the same with my circus, but what if nobody responds to get snail when I ask on facebook????
What if people don't want to play???
Where you afraid that no one would want it?

Amy said...

We loved our snail mail from Savannah and would love to return the favor!

Sending mail is fun!

Unknown said...

Love the idea. I love getting fun mail in the mail box too. My kids would also love doing this for someone.

kendahl a. said...

My favorite stamps lately are the Pixar stamps. So darling! I like to stamp stuff on the outside of the envelopes - usually related to the current Season or an upcoming Holiday. I have a million stamps that wouldn't get used otherwise.

Alyssa said...

How fun! I need to do some more snail mail, myself!!!

Unknown said...

I believe there is only a few of you that I don't have your address.

If you would like to email me

sellpartyof {at} gmail with your address I would love to add you to our ever growing Operation Snail Mail list. :)

Vanessa Brown said...

I should finally try Tiny Prints!!

Unknown said...

Operation Snail Mail sounds so fun! love snail mail!

Angela said...

Wow! Thanks for the opportunity! I love getting mail! It's really special now that everyone uses FB, Twitter, and email. This will make mail even more fun! Thanks again!