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Monday, March 12, 2012

vangs is what the cool kids call 'em.

Have we already discussed how Savannah has been begging for "vangs" or what the rest of us call bangs!? It has easily been years this has been going on.

Bangs scare me, I will be honest.  It was probably 1993-ish when I last had bangs, and it wasn't pretty.  Those things make my round face look awful. I would find photo evidence, but I don't know if the world wide web is ready for that much ugly. True story.

It has been almost 2 years since Savannah last had her hair cut. I know, crazy.  It isn't a priority around these parts, unless you are Paul and Devin.
We went to get her hair cut, and the next thing I know she is telling the lady she wants her long beautiful hair chopped to her chin. I really don't care that she wanted it short, even though it was just getting super fun to style {if she let me}. Cute Casey was almost done with cutting her hair, and it was as if my brain shut off for a minute and you know what came out of my mouth!?

Cut some bangs for her!
{you can't really see them in this picture, because of the way the wind is blowing.}

Still can't believe I said it. I even got a little sick watching Casey cut them. Savannah sat in shock that she was actually getting those "vangs" she had always wanted.

So far they are okay. Truth is, the "vangs" will be really easy to grow out if I can't stand them, because she did cut her hair so short. {Gotta look at the positive!}
Savannah is growing up, and I know sometimes I am gonna have to give a little. Baby steps for Mom in that direction. AND let's be honest, Savannah can pull off any look, she is just that cute.


kendahl a. said...

That cut is *darling* on her adorable face!

Krystal said...

I think she looks super freakin cute!!!

Unknown said...

she is darling

Vanessa said...

she can totally pull off short hair lucky girl

kenna said...

she looks adorable. like her mamma.