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Friday, March 16, 2012

when all else fails.

After the 3rd time on that Friday of Devin deciding that taking off his clothes and diaper was fun during nap time...I got serious. I went to his overflowing pajama drawer with a pair of scissors, and cut all the cute footies off. I just couldn't take cleaning up bodily stuff one more time.
All I have to say, SUCCESS! Totally worth cutting up every single one of those pajamas. The only down side is that we end up changing him in and out of pajamas all day is a lot of extra work. Anything is better than poo though.

Just after we got that problem solved, Devin decided to mix it up yet again. I mean, who likes boring and routine anyway!? Paul calls me about 8:30ish one night {well after Devin's bedtime} to inform me that he can now climb out of his crib. Swell, just what we need. That first night he didn't get to bed until 11:00 PM!  What can I say, that kid doesn't do well with change in his life. He did sleep in late the next morning...once he got to sleep, but I knew the next day was going to be a challenge. Oh, and it was! No naps in his new toddler bed, and only a few short car naps when we were picking up lunch and Savannah from school. It about did me in. The next night went better getting him to sleep {Paul said}. I was feeling pretty lucky, and then he decided to wake up all night long. My thoughts the next day...It can only get better!

By the 3rd night we had complete success. I was as excited that he slept through the night as the first time he did it in his life!

I would have never chosen to potty train and switch him to a toddler bed all in one week...but it appears Dev likes a challenge! I say better now than with a brand new baby...


Cathy said...

Oh, my. I bet you're ready for the weekend.

kendahl a. said...

Oh, good luck! That's a whole lotta change at once. :/

Vanessa Brown said...

oh goodness!! let me know if he doesn't do naps, I had to buy my kids a special like...railing to put on the bed so it felt like a crib. although i never had climbers so maybe it would not help.

Living the Scream said...

Such a tricky part of life! Glad he is doing better. He is such a cutie!

Emily said...

Way to tackle it all at once! You are supermom! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds exhausting. You deserve,an award. Maybe a nice massage or a long nap

dust and kam said...

you are awesome. I think we'll keep putting both of those tasks off a little longer. ;)

Jerilee E. said...

Ha! Great job on the pj's :).
I am all for getting it all done and DONE. It sucks at the time, but you will be so happy when it's over.

Unknown said...

Oh man, I can tell he is full of so much character by those pictures. It's probably hard to stay frustrated with him when he's just so dang cute!! I'm thinking I'll be cutting away at the pajamas any day now too. :(

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

Oh too fun! I had a child that had a hard time switching to a toddler bed too and would get up in the night. It got to where she would not longer wake me up when she got out of bed and the next morning it was always a mystery as to where she had conked out wandering around in the night - sometimes face down in the hallway, sometimes I really had to search for her because she would be asleep in someone's closet or something. She was also the child who hid poo under my couch one time, but I still love her. :) I am already able to look back at it and laugh, so I guess just look forward to that day. Then we will just be dealing with other crap - pun intended.