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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

staying home.

I feel like I am starting to change since being a stay at home Mom, and it was probably long overdue.

I have learned I need something to motivate me, and so I have been making plans.

My plans don't have to be extravagant, but I need them. If I don't have plans, I end up sitting on my toosh all day in front the tube. It is no bueno, and I get cranky with the kids. I tend to stay in my pj's when I don't have plans, and look like I could stand on the corner and beg for money.

Our plans have been something as small as going to the store to buy those few things to make a new recipe we found, or walking around Kohl's...we aren't picky with our plans. My favorite days are when we tag along on errands with Paul, because then I don't have to watch all of the kids by myself.

I have learned that I have to do some sort of house cleaning every day.

Even if  it is as simple as unloading the dishwasher, or just getting the mopping makes me feel better about myself. I feel like the house work is my job, and even though my house may never be spotless...I like it to look like I care about my job.

I have learned that I needed to step up my game in the friend, and neighbor department.

I have never been that person to take a meal to someone, or even cookies for that matter. It isn't because I don't care, but I am insecure that they may not like what I make. Silly, but true. I have been making an effort to change, and it feels good. My kids really like delivering goodies, and I feel like it is a good teaching tool. Operation snail mail is in full swing again too. Should I even admit it took me 3 months to mail out my nieces birthday present...yup, slacker! I was in desperate need of stepping up my game.

It feels good to work on my flaws. I realize I will never be perfect, but I like knowing that change is totally possible...


kendahl a. said...

You are awesome! When I was home, I made myself a to-do list every day because if I didn't, I watched Grey's Anatomy all day long. :) That picture is beautiful!

Vanessa said...

I have a franklin covey planner and have to plan out days. If I don't I am not a good mom, feel dead inside, and much more. But that is just ME everyone is different.

Unknown said...

I feel the same way. If I don't plan something for the day I am super unmotivated and am a big couch potato. This Summer has consisted of way too many unorganized, couch potato days. I feel like my life had so much more order when the kids were in school and were on a schedule. I definitely need to put more planning into my every days!

Cathy said...

I love baking and letting the kids help me. I think they learn a little something. Then we deliver to neighbors because I want them to learn to love and take care of the people who live around us. It's a pretty good gig.