Savannah is 8 years old, and has never made a proper snowman... that she can remember. I swear I made one when she was like 2 or something. Anyways, it was about time Mother Nature dumped some good stuff that not only stayed around long enough to make one, but also the perfect snowman snow. :) If you have lived in a place like Utah, you know what I am talking about...the snow has to be the perfect combo of heavy and fluffy.
After I shoveled our walks and driveway, I could just tell this snow was going to be amazing for snowman building. Oh, I was totally right. Our snowman came together like buttah.
Devin wasn't in to getting his hands cold, so he mostly just stomped around...and then cried when he got too cold. Savannah stayed outside long after we had all gone inside to get warm.
Now I can be good until next year on the snowman building. :)
We have yet to make a real snowman this season. We did make a cool sledding hill, but it's not nearly as cute as what your kids created.
I've never made a snowman, that I remember. TONS and TONS of snow forts, but never a snowman. That snow was perfect packing snow though; wonderful for snowballs! We had our first family snowball fight Friday night. :)
I don't remember the last time I made a snowman... if I ever have.
Love the snowman. I hope we get some snow this year.
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