- there was this baby boy there, and she whispered in my ear..."momma, i thought boys were NOT allowed at these things." she was completely distraught.
- the first thing savannah said is "momma, your best friend is beautiful". kerstin really does look amazing...check out her blog here.
- i am always amazed that savannah can make a friend ANY WHERE she goes.
- just yesterday savannah tells me that we need to invite kerstin to our ward halloween party, because she invited us to her baby party.
so, kerstin if you want to come to our chili cook off...come on over! =) thanks for letting us come and celebrate baby girl's arrival. we are so excited for you. you have made a lasting impression on savannah.
that is so funny. i totally looked at her blog and didn't even relize that was savannah. I'm glad you guys had fun. Savannah is the sweetest girl!
Kids say the funniest things sometimes, and Savannah is no exception!! Yes, I think my aunt does live by your in-laws, she lives in Tracy?
Evonne! Although I don't know Kerstin...she is good friends with one of my friends and I JUST saw her pics on a blog I read. SO FUN that you know her. What a small, small world. And your daughter is divine. SO cute that she was super excited to go.
Evonne, you are the cutest! It totally made my day reading this post. :)
I love your precious Savannah and she has such a sweet personality - I was really glad you brought her! Oh, and I just saw my Aunt Lori today (who took all of those millions of pictures) so I finally got the rest of the pictures that she took, including the one and ONLY one of you and I together. :o( DUH! Why did we do that? It was my fault - my mind was a total scatter brain. Hopefully we can get another one when we see each other soon (for pictures)
but from the shower I will post those soon, and also send them to you! There are a couple more darling ones of Savannah too!
Thanks for the invite to the Halloween party! If things weren't so crazy busy I would have considered it...I'm glad you had a good time. Okay, I'll talk to you soon via e-mail.
Thanks again for the sweet post!
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