(dinner with Shane at Ruby Tuesday's)

There is nothing like the feeling of making your child happy. Seeing her face light up, because she got the present she REALLY wanted. Telling Paul and I thank you so many times I lost count. Savannah is the BEST. She is easy to please, and will get excited about anything.
When I asked Savannah what kind of cake she wanted...she said "pink!" So, I said "No, like Barbie, Princess, etc!" She said "Just Pink!" Savannah picked out a pink cake mix, pink candles, and pink sprinkles...AND was completely content.

A couple of weeks ago we were shopping in the mall, and found Squirmles. Paul, Shane, and Savannah fell for it, Emily and I were smarter than them. ;) It's a worm thingy attached to a string you can't see. If you can only imagine Savannah thinking for $10 bucks she can have a pet. I immediately was the bad Mom, and said "heck no...it's fake Savannah!" She seriously complained and cried about that silly worm the rest of the time at the mall. If you can only imagine how excited I got the other day when checking out at the ol' Wal Mart...and saw Squirmles for $2 and some change!!! =) For once I didn't get suckered, AND you should see Savannah with Puppy the Worm! She is in LOVE!

I've never heard of Squirmles but it looks like Savannah enjoyed it a lot. Pink birthday cake rocks!
Happy Birthday Paul and Savannah! I feel like I know you! Is your hubby a twin?
Happy Birthday sell Family!!
Doesn't Shane look so much like Paul!?! You wouldn't guess that they have like 7 years between the two of them!
Shane does look a lot like Paul! But so do Jill and Jacob. They all look like they belong to each other. Your pink cake looks nice and pink! Just what she wanted!!!
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