The BIG 4! I really can't believe it.
I have thought of so many things to say about her that are not so obvious, and some that are!
Savannah is our free spirit. She loves bug collecting, princess stuff, riding her scooter, stickers, doodling, "paper work" (this is scrapbooking with me), Barbies, and a new favorite would be Toy Story 2! She calls herself a cowboy-girl. =) She doesn't even call the movie by it's's just this "Momma, can I watch Woody?"
We waited a LONG 6 years to have Savannah. If you ask me she was well worth the wait! From day one she has known what she has wanted...and usually will get it. She is outgoing, funny, sensitive, and LOVES making new friends. Savannah will always help make lunch. Will always get me a tissue when I cry. She eats like nobodies business (her fav foods would be broccoli, shrimp, and pancakes). Will play with anyone that wants to, and has NO problem sharing. Is a little Sassy Smart Alec! Loves to help Daddy clean vending machines and put the little toys in capsules. Gives you farts as a present (Daddy taught her this!) ! Has endless energy, and still can't sleep through the night.
Today I'm thankful that Savannah came to my little family. I tell Paul thank you often for letting me have her. If she is all I was given I would feel so BLESSED! She is what made me a Mommy! I gave to her my short legs, button nose, and her loud mouth...Paul gave to her those luscious lips, metabolism (phew!), and her love for going on walks...

Savannah was named after the old movie Savannah Smiles. Paul and I both thought that our daughter would look similar to the little girl in that movie. Little did we know I don't have the dominating gene for brown hair. =) If you ask Savannah where she gets her blond hair she will proudly respond "From my Daddy!" If you ask her about other features that she has she will proudly respond "Jesus gave it to me!" She does look very similar to me, but no one looks past her blue eyes, and hair!

Happy Birthday Vannah!
Daddy and Momma Love You!
Savannah's pictures turned out sooo cute! I love her outfit! Happy Birthday Van!!
Happy Birthday Savannah! She is such a cutie! This was a super fun post! She is so sweet!
Lovely facts about your little one. I LOVE the picture of her making a sassy face with her feet crossed. Too funny.
You are such a good mom. I know I say that lots. But I think every child needs to feel loved by their parents and even through your blogs I can tell you love her. You make me want to love her. haha :) Happy Birthday!!
Is this at Kiddie Kandids? They are GREAT photos!
These pictures are adorable. She is so so so so sweet.
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