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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Got Advice?

With the holidays coming up...starting with the BEST one...Halloween. Paul and I wanted to come up with some new, amazing, GREAT traditions. I started one new tradition for Christmas last year, but we would love to add to it. We brain stormed, but came up with nothin'. Here is where you can all help us out. =)
What is a great tradition that you do for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years? We need help. Please!
We are looking forward to this being our best 3 months of the year!


Christina said...

Jake's family had a tradition of reading the story of Christ's birth on Christmas, we wanted to do this last year but with Shyla is didn't go so well...perhaps this year will be better. We also make Tom and Jerry mix every year! It's like homemade eggnog. Yum!

Cal said...

I always make gingerbread houses with my kids around christmas, they love it and so do I. We are trying to think of more traditions too, so maybe I will get some good ideas from people commenting on your blog!

Meagen Ridley said...

I'd love that sugar cookie recipe if you don't mind!


jayni & ben said...

I love traditions!! Do you guys carve pumpkins? That is always fun for like family night. I LOVE soup bowls for Christmas with all different kinds of soup to chose from. My family always makes ginger bread houses. It is a competition and we all vote on each others. I LOVE it!! If I think of more I will let you know :)

Unknown said...

We started a tradition a couple years ago on Thanksgiving that before we eat we take a turn going around the table saying what we are most grateful for that year. It's always a tear-jerker, but I LOVE IT!

My family always read the story of Christ's birth on Christmas Eve which was pretty cool.

We haven't done this, but I love the tradition of family's that open up a new pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve and wear them that night.

I am FOR SURE doing the gingerbread houses this year with my boys. It sounds like so much fun!

Rebecca said...

For Halloween, we make donuts and cider and chili. I'm looking for more Halloween traditions now that I have a kid. Lydia and I are going to go to some local Halloween programs- there's one at the library this year. Also, pumpkin patches are the best.

Thanksgiving...well, you just eat a lot. There's not much more than that! Oh. Ryan's family used to have a plain white tablecloth they would use at Thanksgiving. Each person would write what they were thankful for on the tablecloth. It became fun as years went on and they tried to find what they had written before.

Christmas- this is the best and my most favorite tradition. On Christmas Eve, my mom would wrap a tiny present for each person and put it in th emiddle of the dinner table. She would attach a ribbon to the bottom of the package and to the person's plate it belonged to. But the ribbons would all mingle together, so you could never tell which package went with which plate. At the end of dinner, we would clear the plates, pull the ribbon so that our package would come to us, and then open the present! It was the hardest dinner to sit through, but my favorite memory!

Unknown said...

I'm diggin' all the comments! =)
I am so going to do the package Christmas thingy with the Sell Family when they come this year!

hollyw said...

I have a great stew recipe that you cook in a pumpkin and serve it out of the pumpkin. My kids love the fun tradition and John & I love the stew. If you want the recipe let me know!
The Ences lived by us before we moved here. How do you know them??

Amber! said...

I am SO copying this post!
Halloween: trick or treating with Savannah :) We always get professional pictures in costumes. I also always make my Grandma Orme's Casserole (that is actually a soup...).
Thanksgiving: Not much here other than dressing in something nicer than regular jeans. We spend the whole day with family. Dan's family ALWAYS watches football. I need to come up with something here for a new tradition.
Christmas: My parents are starting a tradition of having Santa come sometime before Christmas. it was way fun last year. I love opening one gift the night before. I also love a nice breakfast after opening gifts. We always take turns opening one gift at a time (at least we try) so we can get pictures of each child. Dan's family has a party and plays bingo on Christmas Eve and we go to my parents on Christmas morning. Christmas Bingo is a blast! They buy a bunch of silly gifts that are wrapped for the winners. Fun times!