Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
my example.
- Van wants friends in life, and does a dang good job at making them. She doesn't wait for them to come up to her, she walks right up to them and says "Do you want to play rock, paper, cut with me?" I've decided I need to stop waiting for someone else to become my friend. I need to walk right up to people, and introduce myself.
- Van doesn't care that Jasmine mostly speaks Chinese. Van doesn't care that she even can talk at all. They just kept smiling at each other, and little giggles would come from the corner. I need to not be intimated that they might not understand me. Everyone understands a smile.
- I heard Van telling Jasmine, "Do you know where your name comes from?". Jasmine looked confused, and Savannah didn't wait for her response saying "It is from Aladdin!". Van makes it look so easy to talk to people. I always over analyze what I'm going to say...I need to remember to make it simple.
I watch my child, and learn so much from her. She is not afraid to be herself, and enjoy what life has to offer. I love her for helping me be a better person.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I {heart} Heber!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I have thought about making my blog so you can't make comments at all. What do you guys think of this? I have ran across some blogs which allow comments on certain posts, but not others. How do you decide which ones that you want comments allowed? Just throwin' some random ideas out there. Comment if you wish, or not! I am one of those people that don't blog to have the comments, but they are an added bonus. ;)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hi, I'm Mrs. Friendly =)
idaho day.
and we laughed!
My night has ended with a movie, popcorn, and a bubble bath with Van. Now I wait for hubby to come home...I miss him!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I am thankful for my car (aka the silver bullet), because without it I would have to WALK a lot of miles. =)
I am thankful for my clean bathroom. This is a sight you rarely see. I always have mounds of clothes on the floor and makeup strewn all over. One night this week when I came home from work and walked in to my bathroom, I was shocked. Savannah (yes I said Savannah) cleaned my bathroom. Paul didn't even tell her to do it. Lucky...I know!
I am thankful for my computer. I can keep in touch with all of you. I love blogging, and editing my photos. It doesn't always want to work as fast as I would like it to, but it still does the job.
(idea # 11 you at the computer)
I am thankful for my growing confidence. It might have something to do with my husband continually giving my props, but I have been working on my bike. I keep telling myself I need to look good for our family pictures. I am going to make this happen.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
new blogger =)
Monday, January 19, 2009
these are the moments.
I probably should stick to going to work...because I think that I miss her a little more than she does me! ;)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
cleaning products
Friday, January 16, 2009
tootin' my own horn =)
Although they are all small, I felt proud.
My girls and I @ the RCW successfully planned a Chinese New Year party(which was a hit). I have started to appreciate my friends at work more. I can be random. I can be a dork, and they laugh with me. See below picture for some explanation... Yes, those are chop sticks in my hair! Oh, and don't ask about the face. I am still freakin' laughing about it.
I have enjoyed the sun, because it's been out. I have been staying up late, but not waking up early. ;) I haven't made my bed once...okay, okay so I said I was still working on some of them.
Stay date tomorrow with the hubby! Oh, and I get to see my BFF.
grocery cart.
This is the WalMart that has two levels of parking. So, your groceries get to take a joy ride up the escalator. =) This is the ONLY cool part about this WalMart!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
under construction.
I have changed it so many times I can't count, and now this.
Does someone in blogville know how to fix this?
Okay, so I figured this all out...I think.
BUT in the process, I erased my list of all the blogs that I follow that are private.
Can you please e-mail you blogspot again!? =)
mmm...ya know who are you, hopefully!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009