Should I or should I not cut my hair?
Obviously this is me A LOT younger, but showing off my adorable a-line that I love.

Paul wants me to try to grow it out, but today it started...pony tails. I have a strong dislike for pony tails, but just can't help doing them when my hair is bugging me. As seen in this picture...

But this is where I should mention...this is about as long as my hair has EVER gotten. I'm going to TRY to get it past this point...
i like longer, but both are really cute. and pony tails are great! ha, i live by them since i'm trying to only wash my hair every 3rd day.
I like the shoulder length. You are a freakin hottie in the picture on your right side of your blog. But I guess you would be hot with any type of hair.
I vote for short, you can pull it off so good, you have a good face for short hair, I look like an Oompa Loompa with short hair.
You personally look great anyway you do your hair. I am in the same boat with this long hair or short hair ordeal. I would love to have long hair but it takes longer to do, and short hair is easier but, I really can't help you with this one for it is my dollylemma as well. Sorry for not helping!!
i'm usually all for long hair, and i LOVE your hair long in the picture, but i think you look adorable with short hair!!! and that picutre on the side of Savannah and her haircut....OMGOSH! to die for! you girls can both pull off the cute short hair cuts...go for it :)
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