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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

nail polish

idea 176. your nail polish

Savannah and I this is our collection. =)


Emily Christine said...

Where is this idea 176 from? Love it!

Amber! said...

Love the yellow!

Amber! said...

So, I was totally going to call you today but I was told a secret that has blindsided me! I can't say it her just in case........... you still have Tue and Thur nights off? We totally owe you and Paul a double date. Let me know what your schedule is and I'll check Dans. Jan. is full on the weekends but we are open on a few weekdays. Feb weekends are completely open!

Tiffany said...

I LOVE Yellow... But I only paint my toes and I don't think I would put yellow on them... CUTE colors though!