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Thursday, January 15, 2009

under construction.

Why when I changed my didn't change all of the way?
I have changed it so many times I can't count, and now this.
Does someone in blogville know how to fix this?

Okay, so I figured this all out...I think.
BUT in the process, I erased my list of all the blogs that I follow that are private.
Can you please e-mail you blogspot again!? =)
mmm...ya know who are you, hopefully!


Cal said...
sometimes weird things like that happen to me when I change things too. not sure why though

Rebecca said...

This has nothing to do with this post. I just love your blog and wanted to tell you!

And I also wanted to tell you that I really can't stand that Paige girl who does the RC Willey commercials. Every time she's on, I think of you at RC Willey and wish you could do something to get her off my TV!

Kings said...

lol...rebeccas comment was so funny!! -- anyway, i just wanted to tell you that i've erased my blog list like 3 times, so i finaly learned and email everyones blog to me :) so now i always have it. so lame how it does that.

Kehl Fam said...

Unknown said...

Thanks Rebecca!

Thanks for the blogspots...I am hoping that I won't do that again! I am glad that I got good advice for next time. ;)