This is why we use credit cards...
All of this was purchased with a gift card from the credit card company! SAweet deal, huh? Now if the warm weather would show up so that Van could wear all of it, that would be much appreciated!! =)
here if you want to enter to camera giveaway!
here if you want to enter to the gift card giveaway!
So cute!! That's awesome!
I love to buy clothes!!! I could go shopping for little girl clothes everyday. Shhhh...don't tell Chris. Even better when you don't have to pay for them yourself!
So cool and cute! How did you make that work? You must share.
This is the reason I want to have all girls! The clothes are just to die for! I cry every time I walk through the Macys kids and baby departments! And I love Vans pink Jersey. I told my husband I am only working out so that next season I can fit into one of those pink jerseys!!!
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