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Sunday, April 19, 2009

WJ Park

This is why I take Van to the park... This is why I call this girl, my BFF...
This is why you should never let your BFF take the camera...This is why the tire swing was invented...This is why we should have gone to Mickey D's, instead of Rubios...

*I think that I like play dates more than Van. =)


Emily Christine said...

There are so many cute pictures there. I love the pictures of the girls on the tire swing!!

Brenda said...

The park can be so fun! You will have to go to the zoo, we had a really good time.

Amber! said...

Amen. Poor Rubio employees.

Unknown said...

You are so freaking cute! You are brave taking all the kiddos out to lunch...

dust and kam said...

Aww... so much fun! Can we go on a play date?!?! :D