This work schedule I've got goin' on is really starting to cramp our style. Oh, and this weather too. Between the two things Van was starting to think that she was never going to get her "Sprite Stand". Both Paul and I had tried to tell her that you have to wait for a warm Saturday afternoon to get the most customer's. She was determined to prove us wrong, and after her thinking that I was the worst Mom ever for telling her no so many times...she headed out to do her "Sprite Stand" on Wednesday at 9 AM. Paul couldn't believe I was going to let her do it, both of us knowing that no one was going to stop by.
Within minutes she was completely devastated and bawling. It was a mix of emotions for me. She was cracking me up with one liners like "Mom, why doesn't anyone want one of my tasty drinks?!" to "If they don't drink them, then I will!" I stayed right next to her, giving her encouragement, and consoling her when yet another car would pass without stopping. She decided that Mommy needed to be like those people who stand on every corner with signs and dance...I wasn't doing it good enough to get customers (and this was quite embarrassing).Daddy came to save the day, he bought a soda for $1.
Then I updated my Facebook status, and guess what?
My neighbors started sending their kids.
She was jumping up and down. It made her smile, and it made me smile.
If you are reading this, and sent your kids over...thank. you. so. much. I will forever be indebted to you.
We both learned something from this experience.
Van learned that 9 AM was too early for a "Sprite Stand".
I learned that my friends totally rawk.
Van learned that sometimes you have to stick things out to get rewards.
I learned that my daughter is a determined little thing.
Van learned how to make change for customers.
I learned that I bought way too many drinks...because now we will be having another "Sprite Stand" to get rid of the rest of the drinks! ;)
Oh, that is cute! I'm glad people came over.
Facebook makes little girls' dreams come true! Love it!
man, we tried!
She is just so cute. i got me 5 kids who are always thirsty... let us know if she's gonna be out on Saturday :).
She is such a sweetie. I am glad her Sprite stand was a success after all. What is she going to do with all her winnings?
so cute..if we lived close we would so come!!!
My kids are selling punch bags, candy and lemonade! Its getting to be a daily thing..made $12 their first day, now they think its a everyday must.. so far haven't made over $1 the last few times LOL
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