This past week or so I have thought a lot about making memories. Maybe it was because my MIL came to visit, maybe because my Grandpa isn't doing so well, maybe it was because my sista came to visit...whatever it was that spurred these ideas...I have had this desire to make lasting memories.
I have always been the one with the camera, always wanting that perfect shot...the perfect picture of whatever it is that we are doing. I have put down the camera, I have just enjoyed making the memory...not documenting it.
I have always wondered when I pass from this life, what will people remember me by. Will I be known for being too loud, for never being able to quit my addiction to Coke, or will it be for something I didn't even know I had done to make an impact on that person's life.
I look back on my childhood, and I wonder if my siblings and parents realized what kind of memories they were making with me. Did they do things knowing that I would remember them forever? Like playing school with my sister, or farm with my brother, Kyle.
Van got the memory of her Daddy...the kind that remembers everything. Van can tell you things that she has done, with who she has done them with, and how old she was when she did problem. Maybe it is because of this that I have a burning desire to make the best possible memories for her.
This weekend I ran through the sprinklers with Van, in my clothes. I let Van push Vin around in the stroller for two hours straight...and didn't critique her style or what she was doing once. I made Vin laugh uncontrollably by acting like a complete idiot. And guess what...I didn't take one picture of any of it.
Life is about the memories you make, not the photos you take.
This was lovely, Evonne. It really got me thinking about my legacy.
Truly a wonderful post. One of my faves ever!
That last line is my favorite. It really is true! And sometimes the best thing you can do is just enjoy the moment. The joy of the memory will replace any sadness you could feel over "missed" shots. Take it from me. I didn't get a shot of me and Kevin on our carriage ride when he proposed...but I like it better that way. The memory is perfect. Who knows what the picture could have turned out like?
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa, love.
Your legacy will be your love, and the fun things you let your children do - like the lemonade stand.
Unless you are older and wish your parents would have taken SOME pictures.
But days not worrying about taking pictures are a lot of fun.
The life of a blogger!! ;)
Having known your family for yrs and continue to love them. Have you ever thought about the choices you made that today are a part of their memory? Instead of murmuring about them, maybe develop gratitude for your parents, siblings, and mentors that did the best they knew how when difficult choices were made. Your entire family is great....I hope it does not come too late for you to feel gratitude for ALL of them.
love this.. I think too much about what I should be doing to make those kinds of memories..and I need to start "doing" just that!
I need to take the time to run in the sprinklers or paint with the kids etc. more than I do. Thanks for the reminder!
I have tried recently to take pics then put my camera away for the rest of the time/day etc. Pictures mean a lot to me. I don't know why but I can try and try and not think of things or memories as a child. But when I see a brings back a flood of memories that I had in a way forgotten about. I love pictures for that reason. I like to capture the moment so it can help me cherish the memories because there are things I want to make sure I remember years from now. I look at baby photos of my kids and I have forgotten so much about when they were little when I look at the pictures its like I am there again. I love it!
so true! the best memories are the ones where we remember our parents doing fun stuff with us!
I do make sure I take pictures, too, because I love looking at pictures of myself as a child- and so do my kids. Looking at their scrapbooks is one of their favorite things to do.
But the quality time with them is definitely the most important thing!
Hey Anonymous people can track you by your computer's IP it aint so "Anonymous"
I shall teach Evonne how to do it!
So true. I myself had this feeling a few weeks ago. I am also vowing to be a little less uptight and to just let me kids be what if they want to jump in the South Jordan fountain completely isn't going to kill them to strip to their panties once we are in the car.
Thanks for sharing.
Great post Evonne...
I hope that I can find a happy balance of pictures and memories. I only have a few pictures of me growing up and I always wish I had more. But I don't want my kids only remembering me as the raunch behind the camera... again... I need balance.
huh? I thought it was a great post Von. Haters to the left.
Just take away anonymous comments, not all comments!
Hi! I'm a total stranger to you. I clicked on your blog once during a giveaway and have been hooked ever since. I love your honesty, humor, adorable kids, etc (and I'm a Coke addict too!). So anyway, I felt bad when I read the post about the rude "anonymous" commentor and then I read this wonderful, heartfelt post that brought tears to my eyes. Like you, I pray that I can make wonderful memories with my children and live in the moment. I want to be the best wife and mother and sister that I can be and sometimes I don't feel like I am doing a very stellar job at it. But I try. And from what I see you are one rockin' Mom, wife, sister and daughter. So ignore that rude commentor.
My grandfather recently passed away so I understand the heartache there. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep on keepin' on!
We love you Von!
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