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Thursday, July 22, 2010

super cool mom moment.

I wish that I could have one of these "Super Cool Mom Moments" every day. I try, but don't always was definitely a success. I ordered a double slip 'n' slide on Monday night out of boredom from none other than CSN stores. I didn't tell Van it was coming, and what do you know it shipped out quickly...and we got it this morning.

She was super pumped that we took it directly out of the box, and set it up in the backyard to play.
Van had never been on a slip 'n' slide, so what do I her how to, of course. I was not thinking about...

A. I am far to old to be running and sliding down a slip 'n' slide.
B. I'M NURSING...sliding on said slip 'n' slide almost killed me.
C. The water even on a hot day is not warm enough.
D. If you are not going to heed my will too destroy your knees going down like this...Good thing Van got the hang of things quickly...
This is what summer is ALL about...


Kristina P. said...

You are an awesome mom! And a brave one.

Laura Marchant said...

I love it! You are a super cool mom!

Michelle said...

another hint - while putting baby oil on it may seem like a great way to make your child slip and slide a little more - be careful that you double up on sunscreen or you'll get burned.
You do smell nice after though :)

Tiffany said...

We NEED one of these.... You are a SUPER cool mom. Oh the joys of nursing... I got bumped into today and immediately started leaking, it was awesome...

AubreyMo said...

You are awesome!

Vanessa said...

I love you

Emily said...

Okay, now you need to update your response on your Mad Libs Monday post--that IS your most super cool mom moment EVER!

Unknown said...

You are my hero! I so wish I didn't have this baby bump so I could slide down with you.

Krystal said...

we were never allowed to have a slip-n-slide as children... so I am totally jealous! looks like fun... way to be an awesome mom! (now if only you could figure out how to make the water warm!)

brandon and jakell said...

love it.. my kids LOVE slip-n- slides, but I have yet to actually go down it with them! Way to go!!!

Steph said...

You are pretty sexy in your swim gear. rawr!