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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Right after having Vin, I lost some weight. I then got the Schwinn bikes, and decided to dedicate myself to riding in hopes of getting in shape. With the combination of heat and lack of motivation, I would ride around the block...and then give up. I will openly admit I am pathetic.

This week at work they are introducing a weight loss challenge. It hasn't officially started, but everyone is talking weight. We have a high tech scale in the office, and everyone is weighing in. I am not one of those girls that has a problem telling people that I weigh 198.6 pounds. (Yup, don't judge. This is a judge free zone.) The problem that I have is that I weigh just as much as most of the men in my department. To add salt to the wound, they are all a foot taller than I am as well.

I don't like to use the excuse that I just had a baby. Let's face it, I have always been chubby...even before Van and Vin. For once in my life I need to own it, take responsibility...and do something about it. Oh, and a prize might be enticing me as well.

So, starting today...I have to do it. I have to eat better. Ride that Schwinn bike, and not to the gas station. =) I have to lose these pounds, or I might end up being a big ball o'butta!

Enjoy my 10 week journey to a new Von, and a Mommy that is going to teach my children it's not okay to drink soda for breakfast!
Schwinn bikes for my family were given to us for free through My Blog Spark.


Emily said...

You go, girl! If you ever want to do an "adult" ride let me know--I'll be riding right next to you. And not to the gas station. I will be your biggest fan!

Sam Jo said...

Good Luck!!! Once you see a change that will keep you motivated!

Unknown said...

good luck to you. I so feel your pain. food just tastes SO good and excersizing is NOT fun! :)

Kristina P. said...

Chick-Fil-A is a good place to start. Eat that healthy chicken! And giant mint shake.

AubreyMo said...

You SO got this in the bag, girl. You are an awesome, multi-talented, multi-tasking, hard working mother of two. I believe that you can do whatever you put your mind to! Good luck, definitely keep us posted, we'll cheer you all the way!

Sarah said...

I'm right there with ya! Whatever "baby weight" is gone and now it's just me! It's so hard to be dedicated! I wish I had someone motivating me like your job! That's awesome! Good luck!

Jerilee E. said...

It's not okay to drink soda for breakfast? I'm gonna have to talk to my mother... she didn't teach me that one ;).
way to go! it's always much easier with motivation... prizes are good, too :)

Steph said...

You go girl! I have a bike that has rarely been touched this summer. Let's go on a nice leisurely fall bike ride. BOOYA

Amy said...

Sounds great Von! I am on the same journey. Good luck and know that I am cheering you on!

Emily Christine said...

You can do it! I NEVER thought I could lose any and slowy it's coming off! Call me when your tempted! :)

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

I keep trying to get motivated to lose weight too, and I just can't! Maybe I need a contest at work. ;) When I AM eating healthy I try to follow the weight watchers plan because it helps you to learn long-term eating habits. So since I know you eat at a lot of restaurants, check out this website that lists TONS of restaurants and their point values. . If you like the idea of that, just google a weight watchers points calculator to see how many points you should have per day. Oh, and if you're still nursing you get extra points! Good luck and post your progress. Maybe that will motivate ME!

Unknown said...

Even though I don't have a challenge at work I am soooo going to challenge myself along with you the next 10 weeks. I am so ready to shed myself of all this extra baggage!! I weigh more than my husband and feel pathetic! Good Luck, you will do awesome!

Unknown said...

PS- I still think you are beautiful just the way you are!

Kings said...

I'm excited! On the days I come, I should bring one of the p90x videos and do it together!!

-nick and whitley- said...

good luck!! :) i'm excited to hear updates!