you're gonna miss this
you're gonna want this back
you're gonna wish these days
hadn't gone by so fast
these are the good times
so take a good look around
you may not know it now
but you're gonna miss this
I like to put my spin on it...
I'm gonna miss that
I'm already wanting that back
I'm wishing these days
wouldn't go by so fast
these are the best times
I'm lookin' around
I know that I'm gonna miss this...
Being a working Mommy is a challenge.
Van has been having a hard time with me leaving. She cries at the door while I pull away, and sometimes calls me to cry over the phone...telling me how much she loves and misses me.Vin doesn't know I'm even gone...yet. I swear in the morning he has grown, which almost kills me. .JPG)
I don't want to miss a thing, but realistically...I will.
I missed the first time Van rolled over, and 5 years later...I haven't forgotten the call from Paul to tell me the good news.
I am sure that I will miss something while I am at work that Vin does too...maybe his first step (gasp! I don't even want to think of that!).
So, will you please forgive me if I don't feel like blogging as much, I don't want to go to GNO's as much, and sometimes I don't feel like doing play just means that I am spending every spare moment I have with these two growing kiddos of mine, and a husband that I could never, ever get enough of!! AND I don't always like to share them. ;)