I make excuses about my weight.
I make excuses about my cleaning skillz, or lack of.
I make excuses about why I don't cook.
I make excuses about my horrible memory.
I make excuses as to why I don't get ready anymore.
You get the point.
I am good at making excuses.
This is the year I stop this nonsense.
This is the year my house will be cleaner.
This is the year that I take my body back.
This is the year that I will cook, because I am good at it.
This is the year that if I have to use a day planner to remember, I will.
I have to do it for me...after all it's my big 3-0 this year.
I have to do it for my children, they deserve it.
I have to do it for Paul, because he deserves it.
So what am I doing to achieve these goals? I thought that you would never ask.
I went to Zumba on Saturday morning. I went after I had to work until Midnight on Saturday morning, I could have used that as an excuse...and didn't.
I drank WATER. Uggh. I hate water. I drank it, because it is better for me...and because Yoplait gave me a cool new water bottle (and a gym bag, jump rope, and stuff). I didn't make an excuse, I just did it. Thank you My Blog Spark and Yoplait...you are helping me in my journey!
I cleaned like a mad woman. Like seriously. I took a few breaks, but kept on. Just a sampling of my cleaning skillz...
I even tackled my goal of being creative every day. I hung pictures, rearranged, downsized stuff, and made some presents. It felt fabulous.
I didn't cook much this weekend...my bad. I had a gift certificate I wanted to use. Oh snap, was that an excuse.
Well, I'm not perfect, but I will keep trying.
And that's all you can do. Zumba scares me.
You can do it!!!
The gift card was not an excuse - you didn't want it to go to waste! ;) Proud of you. Keep at it, girl!
You are seriously amazing woman! I need to make less excuses too. But this pillow pet just won't let me. ;-)
good job! sheesh. you did a lot. i like vans room!
And next I want you to write a post on how awesome you are, cause you are. I am SO PROUD of you for drinking water. YEE HAW!
You went to ZUMBA? Eeek. I'm proud of you. :) I hate water, too, but everyone keeps telling me I need to drink it because of my pathetic kidneys. Well, they need to make it taste better. LOL
Love this post! Very inspirational. You rock :)
I am still hoping to try Zumba sometime soon. You are my hero for doing it already--and early on a Saturday morning. I hate water too but I am trying harder to drink more of it. Does it count if it has a packet of "energy" Crystal Light in it?!?!
Don't look at gift certificates as an excuse. Look at them as an opportunity.
Woohoo! Don't it feel good?
What a great weekend.
your goals sound perfect :). I have yet to make any sort of resolutions for the year- so you are about a jillion miles ahead of me!
Good for you, doing Zumba! I have no rhythm or coordination, so it scares me.
Where do you do Zumba? I've been kind of looking into doing some classes. Is it really hard? I mean, could a beginner BEGINNER handle it? HA HA!
Those are some MAD cleaning skillz by the way!!
go you!!!! i am the worst at resolutions but this gives me inspiration!
Well you're doing better than I am, I didn't even MAKE any resolutions!
Good girl! Now can you send some of that motivation over to me? :)
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