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Friday, April 8, 2011

How do you juggle being a Mom and having a career?

Just when I was getting the hang of being a working Mom with Van, we had Vin!  Then Van decided to grow up, and go to Kindergarten...booo!!  This past year has had a lot of growing pains for me {and for Paul too}!

The dishes go without being done for days, the laundry piles up, the bathroom looks like it threw up makeup and clothes, and I just had to step over a bunch of toys to kiss and tuck Van into her bed for the night.

In the morning it is all about my two children. 
I wake up to both of my children playing in Vin's room.  We eat breakfast while Paul sleeps in from staying up far too late.  Baths, movies, snacks, playing toys, naps, homework, and sometimes I squeeze in some cleaning before taking Van to school.

I go to lunch almost every day with Paul and Vin...more food reviews comin' atcha!
AND then it is time for me to go to work.

I get to work on time, I do my job, and I come home exhausted.

When I get home...I blog, I catch up with my TV shows {bless the person who came up with On Demand} while I blog, and I relax.

All to wake up and do it again the next day.

I am always telling Paul that I can't keep up, and he kindly reminds me that my children are happy, we are happy...that is all that matters.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am not the best example of someone who is doing a phenomenal job at the juggling act. 

I admire those Mom's that can do it all, and have a clean house...oh, and have twice as many kids as I do. One day I will achieve that, but right now I am just trying my best.

Angie...thank you for asking this question.  I am excited to finally meet you, and have you take some beautiful family pictures of us.

Wanna play along?  Ask your question here.


dust and kam said...

you are a good mom. a real good mom.

Emily Christine said...

You amaze me girl!! Love you! And isn't that picture of Savannah and Devin just ADORABLE!!!!

dust and kam said...

p.s. you are my hero. I just wanted you to know. :)

Jerilee E. said...

you are wonderful- those beautiful kids are lucky to have you for a mom :).

dust and kam said...

For some reason... I have a craving for a coach bag. Weird.

jayni & ben said...

You are funny. You fooled me. I totally think you have got it all together. And just like Paul says... if your kids are fed and happy. You are doing just fine :) your kids are lucky to have a cool mom like you.

Lyle Family said...

Well I am in the same boat with you! I was doing okay with just one and working, now it is on to 2 and I feel overwhelmed most days. But I wouldn't change any of it! I love waking up with my girls and seeing my Sarah bright and early with a huge smile each day.

Loved this post! It helped me remember that I'm not the only one doing this!

angie clayson said...

Love it! I always second guess how I'm juggling all that I do. (Four kids, photography business, design business, 8 hours a week at treatment center for teen girls and public relationship rep for an orthodontist.) Seriously, that just wore me out typing all that. I really need to give up something. It's nice to hear how other working moms balance it all. I was a stay at home mommy for a while, something I had dreamed of! But, after a few months, I found myself being lazy and well... long story short, I need to work. I know I have said YES to way to much. And, I'm trying to balance it all. Lucky... I work about 80% of the time from home. So I am here. :) Thanks for sharing! I, too am very excited for our photo appt in 2 weeks! Woot woot! :)